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JasperLorelai edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Source Code

spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell"


This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.


Creates a magical walkway of blocks that always stays ahead of the entity. This spell can be glitchy - use the Windwalk Spell as an alternative.

Buff Uses:

Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player moves.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default
platform-type Block Data String "oak_planks"
stair-type Block Data String platform-type unless it was set to cobblestone or oak planks, in which case it uses according stairs for the platform.
size How big the platform is Integer 6


    spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell"
    description: Summon a moving magical walkway to take you places.
    cast-item: book
    cooldown: 60
    platform-type: oak_planks
    size: 6
    cancel-on-logout: true
    cancel-on-teleport: true
        - mana 50
        - oak_planks 1
        - mana 15
        - oak_planks 1
    use-cost-interval: 15
    str-cost: 50 mana, plus 15 mana and 1 oak wood every 15 blocks
    str-cast-self: You summon a magical walkway.
    str-fade: Your magical walkway disappears.
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