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JasperLorelai edited this page Nov 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Source Code

spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell"
Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location false


An instant spell that teleports the caster to the location they marked with the Mark Spell. If the player has the permission magicspells.advanced.<internalSpellName> and spell cast arguments are passed either with the cast command or subspell args then the player is instead teleported to the player who's name is passed as the first argument.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 every option except mark-spell supports dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
mark-spell Mark Spell that this spell is associated with. String "mark" false
max-range The max range a player can be from their mark to teleport to it. A value of 0 is infinite range. Double 0
Since 4.0 Beta 14 use-respawn-location is a better-named alias for use-bed-location, which still works. If this is true, the caster will be teleported to their bed location instead of a location marked with the Mark Spell. Boolean false
allow-cross-world Whether a player can recall to a mark in a different world than the one they are currently in. Boolean true
str-no-mark Message that appears if the caster has no mark to teleport to. Rich Text "You have no mark to recall to."
str-too-far Message that appears if the max-range is greater than 0 and the player is too far away from their mark. Rich Text "Your mark is too far away."
str-other-world Message that appears if allow-cross-world is false and the player is in the wrong world. Rich Text "Your mark is in another world."
str-recall-failed Message that appears if the recall fails (generally if it is blocked by another plugin). Rich Text "Could not recall."


    spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell"
    description: Teleports you to your marked location.
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 300
    mark-spell: mark
    max-range: -1
    allow-cross-world: true
    use-bed-location: false
        - mana 75
    str-cost: 75 mana and 1 iron bar
    str-cast-self: You teleport to your marked location.
    str-no-mark: You have not marked a location to recall to.
    str-other-world: You cannot recall to another world.
    str-too-far: Your marked location is too far away.
    str-cast-others: "%a disappears!"
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