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JasperLorelai edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.AreaScanSpell"


Introduced in 4.0 Beta 13.

Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location false


Capable of searching for blocks within a certain radius and casting spells on them.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
radius or x-radius, y-radius & z-radius Integer 0 true
inner-radius or inner-x-radius, inner-y-radius & inner-z-radius Integer 0 true
max-blocks Max blocks to scan. Integer 0 true
tolerance Used when determining what falls into the scanned area when shape takes the value of x_cylinder, y_cylinder, z_cylinder, or ellipsoid. A value lesser than one is more strict (and thus, fewer blocks are scanned), while a value greater than one is more lax (and thus, more blocks are scanned). Float 1 true
inner-tolerance Same as above, but used in the inner radius. Float tolerance true
absolute-offset or relative-offset Applies an offset to the area being scanned. Vector "0,0,0" true
shape Shape of the scan. Supported options are box, x_cylinder, y_cylinder, z_cylinder, and ellipsoid. String "box" true
x-variable, y-variable & z-variable If a block is successfully found, its coordinates are saved to the variables specified in these options. This occurs before location-modifiers is checked for the block. String true
spell Defines a sub-spell to cast when a block is successfully found. Since 4.0 Beta 14 if the sub-spell supports targeting a location, the block found is supplied as the target. String false
point-blank When true, the caster's location is targeted instead. Boolean false true
block-coords The blocks scanned when casting the spell are reached by applying an offset to the origin location of the spell. When block-coords: true, the origin's coordinates are modified to be block coordinates, eliminating the fractional component of the coordinates. Boolean false true
fail-if-not-found Boolean true true
power-affects-radius Boolean true true
power-affects-max-blocks Boolean true true
blocks When defined, any blocks scanned must match at least one of the block data specified. Block data String List false
denied-blocks When defined, any blocks scanned must not match any of the block data specified. Block data String List false
scan-modifiers Location modifiers which is checked against each block in the scan. location-modifiers are only checked for the initial block. String List false
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