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JasperLorelai edited this page Feb 21, 2025 · 2 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.SilenceSpell"
Value Supported
entity true
location false
entity_from_location false


A targeted spell that takes away the target's ability to cast spells.


  • This spell supports Spell Filter options.
  • Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.
Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
prevent-cast Whether to stop the target from casting spells. Boolean true false
prevent-chat Whether to stop the target from using chat. Boolean false false
prevent-commands Whether to stop the target from using commands. Boolean false false
notify-helper-spells Since 4.0 Beta 13. When true, casting such spells that pass the spell filter will display the str-silenced message to the caster. Boolean false false
notify-passive-spells Since 4.0 Beta 13. When true, casting such spells that pass the spell filter will display the str-silenced message to the caster. Boolean false false
spell-on-denied-cast Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's spell was silenced. String false
spell-on-denied-chat Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's chat was silenced. String false
spell-on-denied-command Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's command was silenced. String false
duration How long, in ticks, the silence spell lasts. Integer 200 true
power-affects-duration Since 4.0 Beta 13. Boolean true true
str-silenced String message sent to any player who is silenced. Rich Text "You are silenced!" true


    spell-class: ".targeted.SilenceSpell"
    range: 12
    prevent-cast: true
    prevent-chat: false
    prevent-commands: false
    duration: 30
    cooldown: 16
    spells: # Spell Filter option
        - list
        - help
        - mana 35
    str-cost: 35 mana
    str-no-target: No target.
    str-cast-self: "You silence %t."
    str-cast-target: "%a silences you."
    str-silenced: "You are silenced."
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