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JasperLorelai edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.PulserSpell"
Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location false
  • delayed - Plays the effect at the pulser's location whenever a pulse happens.
  • blockdestruction - Plays the effect at the pulser's location when the spell ends.


A targeted spell creates a block at the targeted location, which then casts spells.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
block-type The type of block the pulser will be. String "diamond_block" true
y-offset The vertical offset to place the pulser block. Integer 0 true
interval The time in ticks between each spellcast the pulser makes. Integer 30 true
total-pulses Defines how many times the pulser should attempt to cast its spells before expiring. Integer 5 true
cap-per-player How many pulsers each player can have at once. Integer 10 false
max-distance The maximum amount of blocks the player can be from their pulser block before it vanishes. Double 30 true
unbreakable Should the pulser block be unbreakable? Boolean false true
only-count-on-success If true, only successfully cast spells (requiring targets, as an example) will count towards total-pulses. Useful in making trap-style spells. Boolean false true
spell-on-break Sub-spell the pulser should cast if it is broken. String false
spells The sub-spells the pulser should cast. Must be able to target a radius or the ground. String List false
str-at-cap String message for if the player has the maximum amount of pulsers out already. Rich Text "You have too many effects at once." true


    spell-class: ".targeted.PulserSpell"
    cooldown: 12
    range: 3
    total-pulses: 2
    interval: 5
    max-distance: 500
    block-type: gray_carpet
    only-count-on-success: true
    str-modifier-failed: "The trap can only be placed below your feet!"
    str-at-cap: "You can only control 2 traps at once!"
    cap-per-player: 2
        - pitch >70 required
        - trapAoe

    spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
    horizontal-radius: 2
    vertical-radius: 1
    can-target: players,nonplayers
        - trapEntomb

    spell-class: ".targeted.EntombSpell"
    can-target: players,nonplayers
    block-type: cobweb
    duration: 30
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