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Achievement Templates

Kvon edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 59 revisions


Here you'll see examples of some typical achievements. You can use them as inspiration to create your own achievement. But keep in mind the following:

EVERY GAME IS DIFFERENT! The memory has a different behavior from game to game.

So do NOT take these examples as a rule. They are here just for educational purposes.

In these examples we use the following convention 0xLEVEL is the memory address with the level ID; 0xLIFE is the address used for the character life; 0xTIME for time, 0xITEM for getting an item, etc...

Finish Level N

In this example we want to award when the player finish the level N and goes to level N+1.

ID Special? Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 0xLEVEL = Value N (1)
2 0xLEVEL = Value N+1
3 0xLEVEL > Delta 0xLEVEL
4 ResetIf 0xLEVEL = Value TITLE


  • 1: On level N at least one time
  • 2: Currently at level N+1
  • 3: The level has been increased
  • 4: Reset the hit counter when back to title screen

The value 0xTITLE means "at game's title screen". You need to ResetIf going to the title screen to avoid the awarding at a wrong time.

Here is an example of game flow that could make the achievement trigger at a wrong time if it wasn't for that ResetIf:

  1. Start the game and reach level 2 (this make the hit counter goes to 1)
  2. Get a game over while on level 2
  3. Go back to the title screen
  4. Use a password for level 3

If not using the ResetIf we will have these conditions:

  1. Hit level 2: TRUE
  2. Current level = level 3: TRUE
  3. Level increased (from title/password screen to level 3): TRUE

And it would be enough to trigger the cheevo (at a wrong time). That's why we're using the ResetIf in this example.

Finish Level N before Time reaches T

In this example we consider a game where the time decreases (e.g.: Super Mario Bros). Adapt it accordingly the time on your game has a different behavior.

We want to award if the player finishes the level N while time is greater than T.

ID Special? Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 0xLEVEL = Value N (1)
2 0xLEVEL = Value N+1
3 0xLEVEL > Delta 0xLEVEL
4 ResetIf 0xLEVEL = Value TITLE
5 0xTIME >= Value T


Requirements 1-4 are the same as Finish Level N template.

  • 5: timer is greater than T.

Keep in mind that besides knowing how the time behaves in game you also need to research how it behaves in memory.

Finish Level N without Dying (or getting hit, using a weapon, etc.)

ID Special? Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 0xLEVEL = Value N (1)
2 0xLEVEL = Value N+1
3 0xLEVEL > Delta 0xLEVEL
4 ResetIf 0xLEVEL = Value TITLE
5 0xSCREEN = Value LVL_N_INTRO (1)
6 ResetIf 0xLIFE < Delta 0xLIFE


Requirements 1-4 are the same as Finish Level N template.

  • 5: a checkpoint to represent the point from where the player is suposed to start the chalenge of not losing a life. If the game has a level intro screen, it can be a good checkpoint.
  • 6: reset hit count if life decreased.

The requirement 6 can also be used to reset hit count if a weapon was used, damage taken, or anything else that you want the player to NOT do.

Finish Level N with Item

ID Special? Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 0xLEVEL = Value N (1)
2 0xLEVEL = Value N+1
3 0xLEVEL > Delta 0xLEVEL
4 ResetIf 0xLEVEL = Value TITLE
5 0xITEM = Value TRUE


Requirements 1-4 are the same as Finish Level N template.

  • 5: the player have the item

Collect an Item in a specific Level

This template is for battery save or password protection for items. It avoids awarding "get item X" by loading to where player already has the item. It checks that an item is collected in the level/room ID it is supposed to be collected, and only allows it be earned at that time.

ID Special? Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 0xITEM = Value FALSE (1)
2 0xITEM = Value TRUE
3 ResetIf 0xLEVEL != Value collect level


  • 1: Do not have the item when entered the collect level, the hit is a checkpoint so 1&2 can both be true at once.
  • 2: Have the item
  • 3: Reset hit counter if in a level different than the one where the item must be obtained

Requirements 1 and 3 together mean "arrived the level/Room ID without the item".

Even if the player loads a savestate and goes to the required level they will not be able to add hits to condition 1, thus they can't get it except in normal gameplay.

It does not necessarily have to be level/Room ID. There are other ways to approach this problem, for example a unique Mem/Val that only occurs on collection. Etc.

Collected 100% of Something

This is limited battery save /password protection for when a player will collect 100% of something like clearing each stage in Super Mario world, or getting a 100% collection rate in Super Metroid. It's necessary so that a player cannot just load a save at 100% and get the achievement for free. (As usual there are other ways to approach this problem too.)

ID Special? Type Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 Delta 0xCollectPercent < Value 100% value
2 Mem 0xCollectPercent = Value 100% value
3 PauseIf Mem 0xPlayerState != Value Specific mode/point in game where % is increased

Using the correct address value for condition 3 is especially important. You need to find an address that represents a unique time in the game where this percent increases. You'd not want the achievement to trigger when the player is loading their in game save file, which means this achievment must be paused at that time.

In Super Mario World this change happens while the player sees the world map after completing a stage.

Note: This is similar in behavior and result to Collect an Item in a specific Level.

Check for a specific value changing to another specific value ten times

In this example we want to detect a value changing from V1 to V2 ten times:

ID Special? Type Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val Hits
1 Delta 0xADDRESS = Value 0xV1 (10)
2 Mem 0xADDRESS = Value 0xV2 (10)
3 PauseIf Mem 0xADDRESS = Delta 0xADDRESS


  • 1: If value in 0xADDRESS in the previous frame is 0xV1, increases the hitcount (up to 10).
  • 2: If the current value in 0xADDRESS is 0xV1, increases the hitcount (up to 10).
  • 3: Do not increase the hitcounts in 1 and 2 if there's change in 0xADDRESS.

Conditional Resets

Conditional resets can be used for many things.

Lets say you want to have a reset if a player enters a certain X and Y zone of a level:


  • The Core is whatever condition(s) you need for your achievement to be true. It can also include normal reset behavior.


ID Special? Type Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val
1 ResetIf Mem 0xLEVEL = Value LEVELID
2 PauseIf Mem 0xX-COORDS > Value RESET-X-ZONE
3 PauseIf Mem 0xX-COORDS < Value RESET-X-ZONE
4 PauseIf Mem 0xY-COORDS > Value RESET-Y-ZONE
5 PauseIf Mem 0xY-COORDS < Value RESET-Y-ZONE
  • The reset will only happen if all of the Pauseif conditions are not true.
  • The pause is local to the alt but the reset resets the entire achievement.


ID Special? Type Memory Cmp Type Mem/Val
1 Mem 0x1 = Mem 0x1
  • Any true condition. (to satisfy alt behavior having an always true alt is needed)

  • Note: You can use multiple conditional resets, each one in their own alt group to have far greater control of reset behavior.



Achievement Development








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