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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 2, 2024. It is now read-only.

Ways to Contribute

televandalist edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 5 revisions

If you do not wish to become an achievement developer, but would still like to contribute to RetroAchievements, there are many ways to do so:

Report Broken Achievements

If an achievement triggered at a wrong time or didn't trigger at all, please report it. We know that many users love free points, but please, even if an achievement triggered at a wrong time, report it!

Another important situation that needs to be reported is a cheevo triggering by using some kind of cheat in the game (e.g. stage select code), or by loading a saved game.

There are two ways to report a broken cheevo: directly in the emulator or via website. On both cases, add details of the state of your game, when it triggered/didn't trigger, what game mode, where you were when it happened/didn't happen, if you had reset the game recently, anything else you think may be relevant to the achievement. This is necessary for our system so the devs know where there is a problem.

Reporting Via emulator

Go to RetroAchievements -> Report Broken Achievements, this feature is only available on official emulators (not on RetroArch).

See this example:

how to report.

Report Via Website

On every achievement's page you see a link saying Report an issue for this achievement, like in the image below:


Suggest Achievement Ideas

If you know a game very well, you probably can have some cool ideas of challenges for the game. Post your ideas on the forum topic related to the game.

We have a guide on how to think about and design good achievements, not the technical side but the conceptual. Then even non-developers can get some inspiration from that info.

Give Feedback

Give feedback in the forums about what you like or dislike about the achievements sets. Be specific and leave details.

Create Badges and Game Icons

If you like to play with graphics you can create some art for the achievements badges or icons for the games. Using the screenshot feature from the emulator itself can help with this, and then you can edit to make something cool.

You can see more info about it on the Badge and Icon Creation page.

Help with the Documentation

If you have a github account and know the basics of Markdown, you can help with the documentation. Fixing typos, grammar or inaccurate information.

Take a look at this page to know the details: Contributing with the docs

Participate in Events

Such as Achievement of the Week, Leaderboard of the Week or other events that happens on our discord server.

Report Title and Description Errors

Section Pending


Section Pending

Compatibility Testing

Section Pending

Write for RANews

Section Pending - for now, see the RANews Repository.

Create RAGuides

Section Pending - for now, see the RAGuides Repository.

Help with RAPatches

Section Pending - for now, see the RAPatches Repository.



Achievement Development








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