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Achievement Set Revisions

The Mystical One edited this page Feb 2, 2024 · 76 revisions

Revision Types

Any changes to a set with existing achievements is considered a revision. They typically happens after someone present a plan in the game's forum topic and in the #revision-voting channel on Discord and the plan is approved by the achievement creators community.

There are three types of revisions:

  • Standard Revisions - Changes to an achievement set that affect another developer's work. These include adding achievements, removing achievements, and reworking existing achievements, and adding progression and win condition types to achievements.
  • Rescores - Changes to the point value of an achievement.
  • Icon-Gauntlet - Changes to a game page's icon that is awarded upon mastering a set and changes to the individual achievement badges.

Each are assigned their own Discord role:

Type Role Getting the role Who can get the role
Standard Revisions @revision-voting React with 🗳️ here achievement creators
Rescores @rescore React with 💯 here achievement creators
Icon Gauntlet @icon-gauntlet React with 🎨 here any verified discord user

Standard Revisions

Any developer wanting to revise a set need to:

  1. Prepare a plan for each (where you're not the original author)

    • Addition
    • Demotion
    • Achievement rework
  2. Contact each active author of the set. They may have valuable insight or resources that you can utilize to help your revision. Wait for a response (after 72 hours have passed, you may proceed without a response).

    • Some authors opt out of requiring contact. Check the Public Opt-Out Sheet. If the author is listed as opting out of this revision type, they do not need to be contacted. To update your own Opt-Out information, use this form.
  3. Post the plan in the game's forum topic. NOTE: Be as specific as possible, but if you have only a vague plan, provide a general idea of what you want to do and don't go too far from that idea.

  4. Start a vote by posting a link to that topic in #revision-voting. If you're not on Discord, another developer can do it for you. Whomever creates the vote must ping @revision-voting. Ping active authors that did not respond to contact. Ping active authors that requested a ping at vote start after the contact.

  5. Address concerns: Once a revision vote is posted, the developer can address any comments, concerns, and objections the community may have to the plan.

  6. The vote is approved/rejected after 24 hours and is pass/fail by simple majority.

Note: Anonymous revision proposals - If desired, a developer can choose to propose a revision plan while remaining anonymous throughout the voting process. Simply contact a mod or admin to request that the plan be presented on your behalf.

When Making a Revision

  • Making a revision should always be done with the goal of it being the final revision, with the set fully realized upon completion of the revision.

  • Avoid making a revision claim on a set after releasing it 'just in case' you missed anything. Research the game thoroughly before release. Check online resources and consider reaching out to knowledgeable players who may know of hidden content.

  • Making a revision in order to attain a higher rank on the mastery leaderboard is prohibited.

  • Do not make copies of existing achievements and demote existing equivalent achievements. Doing this is a reauthor and requires permission of Developer Compliance. If there are issues with current achievements make fixes to the existing ones.

  • Resolve any open tickets for achievements that will be kept in the set. Tickets for achievements that are being demoted can simply be closed with the demotion cited. In cases where the revision is simply the demotion of one or more achievements, the developer does not need to handle the tickets for other achievements in the set.

  • If you are adding a similar concept to one found in the set, where possible reuse the old concept and update it rather than make a new one. This prevents players from having to unnecessarily re-earn achievements, restricts needless changes to sets, and preserves good quality developer work and concepts.

  • Since revisions vary in the amount of adjusted content, they are treated the same as an achievement set reservation. If three months have passed since your revision plan was approved, you will need to provide an update that details the current progress. Not doing so will invalidate the revision and the plan will need to be approved again with a new vote.

No Need for Approval Vote

  • Making changes to an achievement or to an achievement set where you are the original author and no other developer has revised it; it is still a good idea to post the plan for your changes in the forum.
  • Adding achievements where all revision authors are already authors on the set and all other active authors on the set agree.
  • Resolving tickets or bugs on achievements made by developers who are listed as inactive in the list of developers.
    • Changing the description to clarify or correct it to match the logic that is already present does NOT require a revision vote
    • Altering the achievement's objective in any way DOES require a revision vote as always. In these cases you're only allowed to fix the achievement to match the description; do not change the intention of the achievement without going through the revision process above. If you find a problem with an achievement that has an active developer either create a ticket or contact them to assist in resolution.
  • Adding battery save, cheat code, or password protections to achievements where the developer is inactive. (be sure to properly test your changes). If they are active, either create a ticket or contact them to assist applying the improvements.
  • Fixing misspellings, grammatical errors, and other typos in the achievement names or descriptions. In some cases, these are intentional, so be sure to make note of it in the forum.
  • Making updates to game page information and title / screenshot / box art images.
  • Adding a standard "beat the game" achievement if one is missing and there are no active developers on the set. A standard "beat the game" achievement is an achievement for completing the game at its normal/default difficulty without additional requirements. Plan for adding the beat the game achievement must still be posted on the forum. If uncertain how to proceed, please contact DevCompliance
  • Setting an achievement's type to Missable when it is otherwise indicated as missable in the title or description.
    • All other additions of a missable mark on a set with all inactive authors shall require a revision vote.
    • The revising developer shall note the changes in the forum for the set.
  • Adding progression and win condition types to an inactive developer's set if the set is missing progression and win conditions
    • Make a post in the forum with the details of your change
    • Any developer who changes the 'Type' of an achievement becomes responsible for the typing of that achievement and is treated as the author for purposes of type revision only.

Not Allowed

  • Adding missable types to an active author's achievements without their permission. This rule shall be revisited if and when user-preference hiding of missable indicators is implemented.

Merging Sets

In the event that a revision includes merging two sets together (e.g. the Pokemon Red/Blue merge), the developer who does the revision needs to keep track of achievements in the demoted set and their equivalent achievements in the set it is being merged with. If the revision vote passes, this information must be sent to an admin so the achievements from the merged set can be manually awarded to the earners of the demoted set.

Respecting Revision Plans

If you are one of or the original set developer(s) for a set that is currently undergoing a revision, you must communicate with the developer carrying out the revision before making changes to the set. This is to prevent potential extra work for the revision, overlapping or redundant changes, etc.


Up until June 2019, RetroAchievements sets had a cap of 400 points, with no restrictions on individual achievements. The set cap was removed to focus less on overall set totals and more on the achievements themselves. This initiative was also meant to eliminate the misconception that a set worth 400 points is a "complete" set, but is also an ongoing community effort to promote fairness across the board. Information on the scoring process can be found here.

Anyone wanting to rescore a set needs to:

  1. Prepare a rescore plan that shows the original scores and the proposed scores. A quick and easy way to do this is by utilizing this sheet; you can enter the Game ID in F2 to bring up a full list of that game's achievements and scores.

  2. Contact each active author of the set. They may have valuable insight into the chosen scores. You do not need to wait for a response.

  • Some authors opt out of requiring contact. Check the Public Opt-Out Sheet. If the author is listed as opting out of this revision type, they do not need to be contacted. To update your own Opt-Out information, use this form.
  1. Post the plan in the game's forum topic.

  2. Start a vote by posting a link to the topic in the #revision-voting channel on Discord. Whomever creates the vote must ping @rescore-voting. Ping active authors that did not respond to contact. Ping active authors that requested a ping at vote start after the contact.

  3. Address concerns: Prepare to do some negotiating with other users and try to find a good middle-ground.

  4. Voting will be active for 24 hours. If a rescore passes, you can make the necessary changes.

No Need for Approval Vote

Some achievement sets can be rescored without going through the voting process:

  • If you are the only credited author of an achievement set being rescored and no other developer has rescored it.

  • If a co-author you collaborated with on an achievement set gives you their blessing to do a rescore and no other developer has rescored it.

Icon Gauntlet

The Icon Gauntlet is used to vote for new game icons or new badges for a set. With the vote it is checked which version is preferred by the community.

Any user wanting to change the game icon or badges of a set need to:

  1. Contact each active author or claimant of the set. Wait for a response (after 72hours have passed, you may proceed without a response).
  • They may have design considerations for the icon or badges to best fit the set.
  • Doing this might also avoid needing a gauntlet vote if your icon or badges are preferred by them.
  • Ideally Both parties should work together to come to a satisfactory proposal.
  • Some authors opt out of requiring contact. Check the Public Opt-Out Sheet. If the author is listed as opting out of this revision type, they do not need to be contacted. To update your own Opt-Out information, use this form.
  1. Create the game icon or new badges. For more info, see Badge and Icon Creation.

  2. Upload the work on an image sharing site.

  3. Consider sharing samples of your badges or icons in #gauntlet-discussion prior to starting the revision vote. This will help polish any issues and avoid multiple updates to the gauntlet.

  4. Start a vote by posting links to the old icon/badges and their contenders in the #icon-gauntlet channel on Discord.

  • Whomever creates the vote must ping @icon-gauntlet. Ping active authors that did not respond to contact. Ping active authors that requested a ping at vote start after the contact.
  • Use the a template to create the poll:
    Discord Templates 📊 1 vs. 1 proposal:
    `?quickpoll (game/hub page link) | Current (current icon/badges link) | Contender (contender icon/badges link)`

    📊 1 vs. 2 or 3 proposal:
    `?quickpoll (game/hub page link) | Current (current icon link) | Contender 1 (contender 1 icon link) | Contender 2 (contender 2 icon link) | Contender 3 (contender 3 icon link)`

    Discord only embeds 4 images at maximum in a single post (current icon vs. 3 contenders), so if there's at least 5 images required (current icon vs. 4+ contenders), you'll have to do a montage with all icons:

    📊 1 vs. 4+ proposal:
    `?quickpoll (game/hub page link) | Current | Contender 1 | Contender 2 | Contender 3 | Contender 4 | Contender 5 | Contender 6 (single image montage link with all icons)`
  1. Voting will be active for 24 hours.
  • If the voting passes, the Art Team or Gauntlet Helpers will handle replacing the images and logging the change.
  • If you created a badge set, upload the badge set to #icon-gauntlet-uploads
    • Badges should be named using numbers (1.png, 2.png, 3.png, etc) based on the order of the achievements in the set, or named using the achievement titles


  • In cases where there are several designs, the contender list can be extended. Remember to add the letter emojis, in alphabetical order, as soon as you post the proposal so people can vote by clicking on them.
  • If you are not active on Discord, you may have someone else post the vote on your behalf.

No Need for Approval Vote

  1. The game does not have an achievement set, nor is it reserved by a developer.

  2. The entry has no game icon or badges.

  3. The new icon/badge(s) display the same content, but are of better quality.

  4. You are the existing set's sole developer and no other developer has changed the icon/badge(s).

  5. You are one of the existing set's original developers as part of a collaborative set, all parties agree to the change, and no other developer has changed the icon/badge(s).

Voting and Discussion

Revision voting is currently dev-only. While voting is exclusive to Discord, please remember that anyone can express their comments, questions, concerns, criticisms, etc. in the forum thread in which the plan was posted. The issues regarding Discord exclusivity will be addressed in a future version of the website.

  • If you vote against changes in an achievement set, please state your reasoning in the discussion channel. This is so potential compromises can be made for a broader acceptance of the changes.

  • Hijacking revision, rescore, or icon-gauntlet votes will not be tolerated. Votes from alt accounts will be discarded if discovered and repeated occurrences will result in the alt account being removed from the server. If the alt's primary account is confirmed, they will have their vote(s) discarded and may face suspension from future votes.

  • If a revision plan that involves the demotion of achievements is proven to contain misleading or false information regarding the in-game requirements, the current proposal will be considered invalid. If evidence of this is found after a vote has already passed, the demoted achievements must be reinstated until a new vote is held.

Contacting an Active Author

  • All revision types require you to contact active authors of the set and any developer with an active claim.
  • You may contact them in any manner in which you can be reasonably certain they will see it (DMs preferred)
  • If you believe you may be blocked by the user, send a message to DevCompliance asking them to contact the author on your behalf. The 72hr maximum wait time will begin upon sending the message to DevCompliance. When doing so, state the user's name, type of revision, and the brief description of what your revision entails as if you were contacting the author directly.
  • Some authors opt out of requiring contact. Check the Public Opt-Out Sheet. If the author is listed as opting out of the revision type, they do not need to be contacted. To update your own Opt-Out information, use this form.



Achievement Development








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