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televandalist edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 18 revisions

What are DevQuests?

They're achievement development-related quests that developers can take part in at any time. Each one has a specific goal and upon reaching that goal, the achievement developer will earn the badge.

General Rules

  • All work done for for DevQuests must adhere to the Developer CoC.
  • Put effort into what you do. Submitting shoddy work for the sake of getting a badge ASAP will result in penalties that could lead to disqualifications.
  • All sets submitted for DevQuest must be full sets. No progression only.
  • Be respectful and responsible. The overall point to DevQuests is to generate new content and improve existing work so let's stay true to that.
  • DevQuests do not stack with each other, but may stack with other events such as The Unwanted, Challenge League, or Daily DistRActions. So far, the only exception is DevQuest 004 - Veteran Developer.


  • DevQuests that involve making new sets are generally reported by contacting QATeam on site or on Discord.


  • DevQuests do not have a specific release schedule. Typically, they are announced shortly after their badge has been completed.

Feedback and suggestions

The Quests

Badge Number Name Info
DQ001 001 Ticket Massacre Resolve/close 50 tickets
• Falsifying ticket closures will result in disqualification
• The following do not count toward the total: Network issues, tickets for achievements you developed, tickets you opened, tickets closed on behalf of Junior Developers, and tickets closed as a result of ticket spamming.
DQ002 002 Summer Set Repair Repair 3 sets from provided batch
• Upon selecting a game, you will be presented with a list of repairs that need to be made for the set
• This DevQuest follows standard revision procedures
• Resolve any open tickets for achievements that are kept in the set. Tickets for achievements being left demoted can simply be closed with the reason for demotion cited.
• Revisions must fix all broken logic of kept achievements, fix broken challenges, etc.
DQ003 003 One Single Condition
(someone please think of a better name for this one)
Tighten up the logic for 20 single-condition achievements
• Do not just add a bad and/or redundant condition and call it a day. They will be checked.
• These do not require a revision vote since it is only tightening logic
• Achievements cannot be your own; you should fix those anyway!
DQ004 004 Veteran Developer This DevQuest consists of several passive goals, each one being their own achievement, which are as followed:
1. Has published at least 1000 achievements and worked on at least 25 sets as the sole or majority developer
2. Has created achievements for at least ten different console IDs
3. Has been an active developer for at least two years
4. At least 85% of sets have dynamic rich presence (Vet Dev I required)
5. Yielded unlocks have exceeded 50,000
6. As a sole developer, submitted one or more sets for code review and received an overall grade of at least 20
7. Has used at least 75% of all currently available flags and features (Vet Dev I and VI required)8. Has obtained at least two DevQuest badges
Note: A constantly evolving toolkit means that these requirements are subject to change at any time
DQ005 005 Trigger Happy Update 20 sets with the Trigger and Measured flags
• They need to actually make sense
• You can do your own sets, but each one counts as half a set.
DQ006 006 The Unwanted Develop a set for an unpopular system assigned to you at random
•Eligible systems: PC Engine, PC Engine CD, Sega CD, 32X, Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Game Gear, Atari Jaguar, Virtual Boy, MSX/MSX2, SG-1000, Apple II, Saturn, 3DO, ColecoVision, Intellivision, Vectrex, PC-8800, Atari 7800, WonderSwan, and WonderSwan Color
• No hacks or homebrew unless those are the only types of games left without sets.

There are two ways to be able to re-spin:
1. If your selected console is Atari Jaguar, Sega 32X, or Sega Saturn. The first two are fairly problematic to dev for and the last is a resource hog that many people have trouble running just to play, much less dev to set
2. If your claim expires or you drop your claim. The penalty for dropping a set is still having to wait until the claim would have expired before getting a re-spin. For example, if you claim a set on September 1st and drop it on November 1st, you'll still need to wait until December 1st before the re-spin. You can only do this once
DQ007 007 Most Wanted Develop a set for one of the most requested games. Must be in RANews at the time of claiming it
DQ008 008 World Traveler Develop two sets for games that were never officially released in English
DQ009 009 Launch Party! Develop a set for a newly supported console within 6 months of RA support
DQ010 010 It Takes Two Join forces with other developers to publish two collab sets
DQ011 011 Happy Birthday RA! Develop a set for the Mega Drive/Genesis to celebrate the anniversary of RA's first achievement
DQ012 012 TBA
DQ013 013



Achievement Development








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