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Achievement Set Requirements

televandalist edited this page Jun 3, 2023 · 7 revisions

Every Achievement Set MUST Have

  • All game page information filled out, and game images uploaded (if you're not a full-dev, send the images to the code-reviewers).
  • Game Badges for each achievement (they don't need to be distinct from each other, just don't leave them blank).
  • Content covering up to completion so long as the game can be beaten. Whether it be defeating the final boss, completing a first loop, or completing all puzzles, achievement sets that do not cover at least beating the game are deemed unfinished and therefore subject to demotion. Arcade-style games where the focus is on high scores (such as Pac-Man and Crystal Castles) are exempt from this rule.

Protection for situations where the players can get achievements without effort, such as:

  1. Demo mode;
  2. In-game cheat codes;
  3. Battery saves;
  4. Passwords.

See also: Achievement Templates and Real Examples for some well known protection techniques.

Recommended but Not Required

  • Basic Rich Presence (only available for full-devs).
  • Leaderboards for scores and time challenges.
  • Missable achievements flagged, especially for RPGs and long games.
    • Use [m] in the end of achievement's title to flag it as missable. This is the standard format and must be used for consistency.
    • Avoid overuse. If most of an achievement set is marked as missable, the mark becomes meaningless for that set.
  • An achievement guide. Guides can be created and posted here.
  • For games with text-triggered achievements (especially RPGs) it's recommend to find an event flag instead of hooking onto text or text ID. Text presentation varies between regional versions making multi-region support difficult.



Achievement Development








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