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CfP draft

vvatikiotis edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 11 revisions

Comments in gdoc plz. Final will be placed here

Call for Presentations

Euruko 2013 celebrates Ruby’s 20 years and the newest 2.0 version. We ask you to submit original talks about the beauty and elegance this jewel of a language brings in our daily programming lives. Come and talk about Ruby’s unique features, best practices and your experiences with the language in all aspects of programming.

Talks will be 30 minutes long with a 15 min Q&A.

Conference program

There will be 4 "keynotes" with speakers invited by the commitee. Matz is the first confirmed speaker. The rest of the talks (10) will be selected from among the submissions in response to our CfP.

Submission method

a) Submission form in the Euruko 2013 site

b) With GitHub pull requests, following the CfP repository.

[@damphyr: After considering the issue I am for using GitHub. It will allow us to publish faster and it will also provide a ready platform for discussion of the submissions] [@nolamesa: From a review of other conferences I found out that b) is quite popular and since it started from Euruko we should stick to the "Euruko heritage".][@vvatikiotis I would agree with github too]

Selection process

We place a call on the community to vote on the pull requests. The Euruko 2013 program committee retains the final say on the program (just so that we can make sure there is enough variability and consistency in our program) [Also, it will also shield us from possible non-participation, trolling or deliberate vote-contamination]

[@nolamesa: I believe having a final word on our own is not good. On the other hand we could save ourselves from disaster if we place a lower vote limit that is required in order for a talk to be accepted. If not all talks pass that threshold then we get to choose]

[@pagojo The "correct" word is not 'vote' but 'comment', we should not ask people to 'vote' but 'comment' on CFPs and and thus influence the committee's final decision. :-)] ###CfP Publishing

The euruko 2013 site

@damphyr: the Ruby Rogues Parley list is a good starting point (people there are very active in several communities and can/will help with forwarding the CfP).

RubyInside, ruby-talk, InfoQ are also points of publication.

##Program Outline

Time Day 1 Day 2
8:30-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Welcome, info, plan
10:00-11:00 Keynote Matz Keynote III
11:00-11:45 Talk I Talk VI
11:45-12:00 Break Break
12:00-12:45 Talk II Talk VII
12:45-13:30 Talk III Talk VIII
13:30-14:30 Lunch Lunch
14:30-15:30 Keynote II Keynote IV
15:30-16:15 Talk IV Talk IX
16:15-16:30 Break Break
16:30-17:15 Talk V Talk X
17:15-18:00 Lightning Talks Closing & Vote
18:00-18:30 Lightning Talks -
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