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16 01 2013 Minutes
@nikosd informed us about AMKE :
- AMKEs have nothing to do with ΓΕΜΗ. We follow the old procedure. (this is good according to the lawyer)
- Went to ΔΟΥ today. The lawyer wanted the president's details.
- @nikosd said that he will call him everyday. He called him today : on Friday hopefully he will submit it. He will update us.
- @nikosd keeps the money until then.
- @gfotos said that we should keep/gather the "evidence" for every expense (between us and the public sector)
- @vvatikiotis said that we should ask an estimate about when the proccess finishes
- @nolamesa said that we need a contract with the sponsors (we can ask the girls, @vvatikiotis will do it)
@vvatikiotis will ask the girls about the contract with the sponsors
- @gfotos presented us the 2nd iteration pdf.
- Discussed about additions/comments.@gfotos annotated them on the pdf. He will inform the designer about them.
- @pagojo suggested to ask the girls if we can use BT photos
- @nikosd said to add a previous speakers section. And when we have the current speakers, put them in our PDF, also.
We decided that the PDF needs also :
- facts
- venue
- speakers (previous)
- faq
- contact details
@vatikiotis, @apantsiop : ask the girls if we can use BT photos
It will be on next time's agenda, again.
@vvatikiotis will contact Maria's accountant to get a quote. He can use @gfoto's old email.
@gfotos said that Skroutz are working on it.
@pagojo: will write some content.
@gfotos: will upload an alpha version
@vvatikiotis: will help with DNS
- @pagojo : made an intro about media coverage/tactics
- We debated about which social media to support.
- Created a (temporary) media team : @nikosd, @pagojo, @nolamesa
@nikosd, @pagojo, @nolamesa: will get us a specific action plan.
A debate about the procedure took place:
- @pagojo is for a eponymous CFP
- @nikosd, @gfotos, @apantsiop is for anonymous (screened by the committee according to specific rules), the community votes
- @nolamesa liked euruko 2012's procedure. He suggested to not throw away the procedure i.e. eponymous voting and the committee wil have the final decision.
- @apantsiop said that we should inject the "diversity" issue in the process
Note: many suggested for the ticket holders to vote for the line-up
@gfotos, @apantsiop (and whoever else) will gather links/info about diversity and add it on the top post on the CFP issue.
@all: whoever has a suggestion, write it with a post under the CFP issue (bottom, describe the whole proposal!!!)
Maybe @vvatikiotis and @apantsiop (and maybe @gfotos?) will meet on Saturday
- @pxinos said tha Vodafone (via our connection) has 2 subcontractors : 1 is better according to our connection's opinion. He proposes to have a separate deal with Vodafone (for the line). Another with the subcontractor for the wifis. Vodafone wishes to be a sponsor. @pxinos will go to BT and do an analysis with a Vodafon and a subcontractor techie).
- HOL wants to do it, also (but we are talking with Vodafone for now :))
@pxinos will meet Vodafone officially
- Decided to split minutes/agenda per date (at wiki home page)
- @nikosd said that pamediakopes suggested to create an affilliate account and get a percentage out of it (or other benefits for the delegates). Details to follow.
- @nolamesa said to vote for the committee's 4 speakers next time (sortlist until next Wednesday)
@all : suggest a speaker