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Customer Meeting #1

Fatih İver edited this page Mar 3, 2019 · 3 revisions

1. Meeting details

Meeting Date/Starting Time: February 22, 2019
Meeting Purpose: Customer meeting about project requirements, clarifying vague points
Meeting Location: BM A4

2. Questions & Answers

2.1. Should we really predict or suggest anything about the trading equipment? Isn't this illegal? If we should, what kind of predictions are we expected to make?
No, you will not make any predictions. Users will do the predictions by guessing daily changes in trading equipment.
2.2 What should the basic functionalities of the system be? Is it only the feature that helps the user keep track of her manual entries?
Any action can be taken by a basic user is basic functionality. A basic user can use any functionality of the app except the ones related to investment. (e.g buy & sell orders)
2.3 Are we supposed to use existing exchange rates, or should the system be one like Binance, where essentially users' orders set our own equilibrium of exchange rates? If we are going to use existing exchange rates, which institution should we get the data from?
You are welcome to use 3rd party APIs to get information about exchange rates. You may assume that the system has an infinite amount of any resource which means that you will behave like an exchange bureau. There is no need to simulate the logic of an exchange market.
2.4 Why do basic users have portfolios in their profiles if they cannot trade? If they should really have, are we supposed to let the users add the assets that do not exist in our system in their portfolios?
In a portfolio, financial assets are grouped together. For instance, a user may want to create a portfolio which includes several high-risk cryptocurrencies to track changes in their states separately. Users don't have to make investments to have portfolios, portfolios are different. They only help users to categorize and track trading equipment easily according to their needs. In addition to that, all users should have at least one portfolio even if it is empty.
2.5 What is the boundary for trading equipment? Should we also let users trade things like eggs or pillows? 😆
You need to provide major trading equipment. You may checkInvesting to see what they are providing.
2.6 How should we present users' portfolios? Should we include the whole history of the portfolio; like purchases and selling stocks? Or only the existing state?
When a user clicks one of his/her portfolios, they should be redirected to a page which displays the current state and the old states of the trading equipment in the portfolio.
2.7 What kind of events should we include for users to read and comment on? Should we get that data from another website or newspaper, or should they be self-generated ones? How are we supposed to decide on the significance levels of the posts, should we let the users rate them?
You may use a 3rd party API to get events, and even their significance level. Any event that is related to the economy or any event that may affect economic activity can be included.
2.8 What is the prediction success rate for a user?
Users should be able to predict the daily change in trading equipment by simply guessing. After each day, you update the prediction success rate of the user according to the user's guess. If it is correct, the prediction rate increases. Otherwise, it decreases.
2.9 How to quantify Profit/Loss? Should that be a ratio to the investment or the whole amount of profit/loss, or both?
Trade users shall be able to see their profit/loss status for each investment they made. In addition to that, the total profit/loss of all the investments should be displayed, too.
2.10 Looking at our User Types page, are we on the same page about the user qualifications?
Guest users shall be able to see the events section and shall be able to filter events. Besides that, your table looks correct.

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