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Releases: toadstorm/MOPS

MOPs v0.1.71 Experimental

12 Nov 05:33
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Getting ready for 1.0!

Coming up on a new stable release... just a bit more testing to do. Please report bugs here in Issues if you find any!

Updated documentation! (finally)

All node documentation has been updated to reflect the last month... months... year? of changes.

Very minor boring bugfixes!

MOPs Shape Falloff hidden parm added to prevent annoying error at startup.
MOPs Convert ignores the "use name attribute" option if no name attribute is present, rather than throwing an error.

MOPs v0.1.70 Experimental

28 Oct 05:42
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New Move Along Mesh 1.3!

Move Along Mesh has been updated to work more like the current Move Along Spline modifier. It has automatic support for attaching to deforming surfaces and maintains both position and orientation offsets, even as the surface deforms. You can now specify the mesh space vector to move along ("up" by default, but you can use VEXpressions to vary this per-instance!) The UI has also been greatly simplified.

Boring fixes that don't really deserve a headline!

The "Orientation" parameter on the MOPs Instancer in Radial distribution mode now works properly.
Extract and Apply Attributes now extract pscale and scale separately.
MOPs Align now properly adjusts for existing pivot when setting a world-space pivot.

MOPs v0.1.69 Experimental

05 Oct 22:38
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New Stuff

Apply Attributes and Extract Attributes have been rewritten to always write template point attributes during normal operation. This means that MOPs operators should work on regular points as well as packed primitives, and copying to points that have been transformed by MOPs operators should provide the correct final transformation.
A new "Radial Wipe" mode was added to MOPs Shape Falloff.

Instancer 1.3 Fixes

"Radial" distribution mode now has multiple methods for orientation.
Interpolation of instance orientation now works properly when time-dependent.
Prim Centers and Edge Centers distribution modes reoptimized for speed.
A "Points Only" mode was added to the Instancer.
The mops_falloff attribute is automatically added to all instances.
The "MOPs to Point Instances" shelf tool now works properly with the new Instancer.
Alembic timing attribute (abcframe intrinsic) should now be properly set in the Instancer.

Misc Fixes

Apply Attributes auto-generates orient if none is provided.
Remap Falloff now supports a separate custom output attribute.
Expoode parameter display names tweaked to be more consistent with other nodes.
All solver-based operators now have a default start frame of $RFSTART.
Extract Attributes now differentiates pscale and scale automatically.
Sweep Spline now can sweep over closed curves and maintain UVs. A "join curve ends" toggle was added to support this.
Fixed a bug in Move Along Spline that required a falloff attribute to properly orient.
Move Along Spline now throws an error if no id attribute is present.
Noise Modifier scale value options made more sane.

MOPs v0.1.68 Experimental

20 Sep 20:59
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Introducing MOPs Instancer 1.3!

The new MOPs Instancer has a much-improved and simpler interface, automatically instances and interpolates onto animated meshes and curves, and most importantly, you can now directly connect SOPs to the Instancer as inputs! Wire up networks to your heart's content!

...Oh, and it's about twice as fast as the old Instancer.

Slightly less impressive but still useful changes!

MOPs Orient Mesh now has an "Auto Up" mode that behaves similarly to the Copy SOP when an up vector isn't explicitly provided.

The Updater shelf tool should now (hopefully) actually work when the HDA definitions are in compressed format.

The MOPs to Point Instances shelf tool now adds the original MOPs network container name as a prefix to the generated MOPS_INSTANCES node, to help prevent multiple networks from overlapping each other.

MOPs v0.1.67 Stable

14 Sep 06:56
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Noise Patch

This fixes a bug that prevented Noise patterns from respecting the Amplitude parameter, and another bug that prevented Apply Attributes and the Transform Modifier from using falloff attributes other than mops_falloff.

MOPs v0.1.66 Stable

12 Sep 19:10
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  • The MOPs Updater script now works properly when the existing definitions were in collapsed format. This means that to install this update using the previous updater script, you must either expand your definitions using the Expand HDAs shelf tool, or install this update manually.


  • MOPs Trails! Generates configurable trails from incoming geometry.


  • All nodes that support the mops_falloff attribute can be configured to write to or read from any point attribute.
  • Subdivider now has optional output groups for the generated facets.
  • Audio Falloff now automatically generates the first audio band on creation.
  • All noise functions now properly maintain amplitude at higher octaves. Every MOPs HDA that used these noise functions internally has been versioned up for backwards compatibility.
  • MOPs Align has been given the new alias MOPs Pivot.
  • MOPs Align now has the ability to set custom pivot points.
  • Set Sequence Time can now override the Alembic frame range of an incoming primitive.
  • MOPs Noise Modifier can now affect object scale.
  • Sweep Spline now has an option to allow for custom UV coordinates.


  • Added help card to MOPs Noise Patterns.
  • The Instancer's starting index for Packed Disk Sequences now matches SESI's implementation.
  • MOPs Transform now always outputs an orient attribute.
  • Orient Curve now uses the Arc Length Spline method for computing u coordinates.
  • Move Along Spline now has an End Frame control for trails.
  • Move Along Spline has a new toggle for handling falloff specific to rotation.
  • MOPs Reorient has more accurate orientation when transferring.
  • The Instancer in grid mode is now set to be centered at the origin.
  • Noise Falloff input hint text fixed.

MOPs v0.1.65 Experimental

26 Aug 17:11
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MOPs Align now properly accounts for scale when setting the pivot in World (Absolute) mode.
MOPs Instancer now centers instances created in Grid distribution mode at the origin.

MOPs v0.1.64 Experimental

23 Aug 05:21
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Enabled compiling in MOPs Sweep Spline... was disabled by accident. Oops.
Patched some old documentation in MOPs Noise Falloff.

MOPs v0.1.63 Experimental

13 Aug 05:11
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Fancy MOPs Align Updates

MOPs Align now will work correctly between orientation changes, and has new modes for setting pivots to absolute values in either local or world space... including with VEXpressions!

Custom Falloff Attributes

Any Falloff node can now write to any point attribute you like instead of just mops_falloff, and most Modifiers and compatible Generators have been updated to reflect this!

MOPs v0.1.62 Experimental

21 Jul 22:29
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Blending mode options added to MOPs Spread Falloff.
MOPs Instancer UI reorganized a little bit. You can ignore any warnings that appear on file load.
MOPS.json example package file updated to also set $MOPS environment variable for other tools.
MOPs Trails now has a single output, with a group parameter to separate the trails.
MOPs Move Along Spline now has an acceleration ramp control in Simple mode.