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Releases: toadstorm/MOPS

MOPs v0.1.60 Experimental

17 Jul 19:06
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Added a toggle to Move Along Spline to allow mops_falloff to affect rotations while moving along the spline.

MOPs v0.1.59 Experimental

15 Jul 22:18
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Minor bugfixes:

MOPs Trails is now in the MOPs/Generators menu.
MOPs Spread Falloff now properly uses a Timeshift up front to support spreading over a changing point count.

MOPs v0.1.58 Experimental

10 Jul 05:55
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Added a "custom UV attribute" control to MOPs Sweep Spline, to allow for stable UVs when backbones are animating over time.

Added MOPs Trails, a new Generator that conveniently creates trails from any moving points. Currently undocumented.

MOPs v0.1.56 Stable

16 Jun 10:39
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This is a minor bugfix release:

MOPs Sweep Spline will no longer error out when "Output Caps" is disabled.
The IndentationError in the MOPs Updater shelf tool has been fixed.

MOPs v0.1.55 Stable

13 Jun 22:51
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A quick patch to MOPs Apply Attributes just in time for our presentation at EUE-Connect!

Fixed an interpolation error when using Apply Attributes to blend transforms together that are not defined by the v@euler attribute.

Apply Attributes no longer removes all __-prefixed attributes... this was causing other MOPs HDAs to fail in spectacular and unexpected ways.

The MOPs Instancer no longer accidentally re-packs packed Alembics and Packed Disk Sequences.

Fixed a typo in MOPs Extract Attributes that prevented intrinsics from being properly extracted from Packed Disk Sequences.

MOPs v0.1.53 Stable

10 Jun 04:04
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Tiny Stable Patch

MOPs Aim now properly supports Falloff when applying orientation.
MOPs Apply Attributes should now correctly interpret Falloff when applying additive orientations from input quaternions (not v@euler from MOPs Transform).
The MOPs to Point Instances shelf tool now no longer re-organizes all your /obj nodes.

MOPs v0.1.52 Stable

06 Jun 04:14
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Finally, a new (likely) stable version!

This new release packs in all the cumulative changes made in the last dozen or so Experimental updates. If you haven't tried any of those out, you're in for some pretty big changes!


Introducing the MOPs Noise Modifier! Like the Curl Modifier, but noisier! This node replaces the Curl Modifier, giving you the choice of all our built-in noise patterns.

MOPs Align is a new Modifier that nudges the pivots of packed primitives around, either visibly or invisibly, based on each primitive's bounding box. Easily and quickly align things for transforming!

MOPs Reorient 1.1 is a huge improvement on the original Reorient! You can simply define a new orient or N and up in-line however you like, and Reorient will make sure your transformations use those new axes!


A MOPS.json file was added to the installation folder, to support Houdini 17.5's new plugin system! This means a much easier installation is possible, without editing your houdini.env file at all!
MOPs Explode now has an option to split objects based on primitive groups.
MOPs Apply Attributes now has an option to blend pivots.
The Updater shelf tool now automatically compresses HDA definitions after an update.
Added "Start/End" mode to MOPs Neighbors, which allows for more control over what gets connected.
MOPs Convert now has options for a name attribute prefix and id offset, similar to the MOPs Instancer.
MOPs Sweep Spline now supports the pscale attribute on incoming curves.
MOPs Sweep Spline has much more detailed options for grouping.
MOPs Extract Attributes now has an option to extract from the packedfulltransform intrinsic, which means you can pull the rotation axes from a Packed Alembic!


Faster Falloff Preview: now uses a more efficient method to determine the current Houdini version.
MOPs Noise Patterns now can use vectors for amplitude.
MOPs Randomize now uses the newest version of Apply Attributes.
MOPs Randomize no longer randomizes rotation in Set mode if Randomize Rotation is disabled.
MOPs Delay now uses the id attribute instead of ptnum to match instances, improving stability.
The Updater shelf tool no longer throws SSL certificate errors on OSX or Linux.
The Instancer, Set Sequence Time and Delay nodes no longer generate the __is_abc and __is_sequence attributes.
The MOPs Subdivider now generates geometry with the correct winding order.
The MOPs Spring Modifier now has much more accurate rotation forces.
MOPs Move Along Spline now has better distribution to prevent overlapping copies on closed curves.

MOPs v0.1.51 Experimental

26 May 02:15
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MOPs Transform no longer internally affects pivots if a v@pivot attribute exists on the incoming primitives.
Help added for "Do Pivots" option on MOPs Apply Attributes.
Hid the deprecated "Transfer Attributes" parameter on the MOPs Instancer.
MOPs Move Along Spline now distributes so that closed curves will no longer have overlapping primitives at the joined start/end point.

MOPs v0.1.50 Experimental

25 May 06:41
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Apply Attributes now tries to match pivot intrinsics, and only uses the v@pivot attribute if it exists.
The MOPs Spring Modifier now fully supports the p@mops_orient attribute, and some remaining flipping issues were fixed (thanks Lewis Saunders!)
MOPs Explode now accepts string attributes as well as integer attributes to define clusters (thanks Matt Tillman!)
MOPs Mesh Flow now outputs an orient attribute as well as N and up.
An example MOPS.json plugin file was added, along with instructions for the new easy plugin installation method (17.5+).
The "Transfer Attributes" option on the MOPs Instancer that was added in an earlier Experimental build had to be removed for performance reasons.

MOPs v0.1.49 Experimental

22 May 04:42
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MOPs Sweep Spline has more detailed group controls.
MOPs Subdivider winding order hopefully fixed.
MOPs Extract Attributes now has an option for extracting full transforms (such as from Packed Alembics).
MOPs Apply Attributes no longer auto-extracts the pivot intrinsic from the 2nd input (defaults to pivot attribute).