Releases: toadstorm/MOPS
MOPs v1.0.8 Experimental
Added a new toggle to MOPs Instancer called "Enable Template Interpolation". This can switch off the default behavior of interpolating a template geometry based on a rest frame. It's recommended to switch this off if you're instancing onto a template geometry with a changing point count.
Added two new parameters to MOPs Trails: "Inherit Attributes" and "Create Trail Falloff". The defaults for Inherit Attributes copies all attributes from the source objects onto the trails with the exception of i@id
, which will make downstream MOPs nodes behave more predictably. Create Trail Falloff automatically creates a falloff attribute that tapers over the length of each trail, which is great for easy "time echo" effects.
Added a new example file showing off some of these new settings: /examples/motion_instancer_example.hip
MOPs Falloff From Attribute can now accept vector attribute components (e.g. uv.x) as the input attribute.
MOPs Transform now has "Ignore Zero Falloff Prims" disabled by default, in order to favor predictability over speed.
MOPs v1.0.7 Experimental
New features
Added a visualizer toggle to MOPs Orient Mesh.
MOPs Transform can now work on points in local space.
Added a "Rotation Multiplier" parameter to MOPs Randomize.
Added an "Affect Position" toggle to MOPs Noise Modifier.
Bugfixes and tweaks
MOPs Instancer default pivot changed from "centroid" to "origin".
Fixed the Linear alignment mode in the MOPs Instancer when orienting to the X or Z axes.
Fixed the "Global Transform" parameters not affecting points generated by MOPs Instancer when in Points Only mode.
Scale and Point Scale now work correctly with the MOPs Instancer in Points Only mode.
Fixed a broken group parameter in MOPs Combine Falloffs.
Adjusted the default grid size for Mosaic noise in MOPs Noise Patterns and related nodes.
Disabled analytics tracking to speed up node generation.
MOPs v1.0.6
MOPs Instancer Hotfix
This hotfix patches an issue with the MOPs Instancer that could cause the point and primitive numbers to desynchronize from the i@id
attribute when instancing multiple objects. This could cause downstream MOPs modifiers to affect the wrong points.
MOPs v1.0.5
The "what happened to 1.0.4?" Release!
This new Stable release includes all Experimental release updates since MOPs v1.0.0, and also includes the following updates and fixes:
The MOPs Instancer now uses i@id
if available for randomizing instance indexes instead of the point number.
Fixed interpolation of N
and up
vectors in the MOPs Instancer when instancing onto a deforming template mesh.
MOPs Delay now delays all point attributes.
Fixed a bad channel reference in MOPs Audio Falloff that prevented it from functioning properly.
Fixed the MOPs Shape Falloff "Box" guide geometry.
Updated MOPs Noise Falloff to include a built-in transform.
Updated Feedback shelf tool with new URL.
Updated Donate shelf tool with new URL.
MOPs v1.0.3 Experimental
MOPs Delay now can delay any point attributes, can delay in frames or in seconds, supports VEXpressions, and supports animation on the Delay channel. Thanks Jake Rice!
Updated the Feedback shelf tool to point to the new contact page.
Updated the Donate shelf tool to point to the new donation page.
Updated the latest MOPs Noise Falloff definition to include a built-in transform.
The MOPs Instancer now uses the i@id
attribute, if available, to determine random indexing seeds on template geometry.
Fixed the interpolation of N
and up
vectors on animated template geometry in the MOPs Instancer.
MOPs v1.0.2 Experimental
Fixed a bug in MOPs Transform that threw an annoying error on creation.
Fixed support for the @pscale attribute in MOPs Spring Modifier.
MOPs Extract Attributes is now compilable.
MOPs v1.0.1 Experimental
Very small but important new feature!
Added "match by name" option to MOPs Apply Attributes. This allows you to match inputs via the s@name attribute instead of the i@id attribute.
Bugfixes and documentation!
Fixed MOPs Move Along Mesh group mask parm.
Added "Update Attributes" parm to MOPs Move Along Mesh.
MOPs Convert now creates a name attribute from connectivity if "Use Existing" is enabled and it doesn't have one.
Unhid MOPs Align/Pivot "Group" parm.
Updated MOPs Align/Pivot help.
MOPs Align/Pivot can now set pivots for packed Alembics (Local mode).
Removed temp attributes from MOPs Align/Pivot.
Apply Attributes now ignores the "Ignore Zero Falloff" toggle if there is no falloff attribute present.
MOPs Delay now supports a varying point count and the pscale attribute.
Updated MOPs Instancer help to guide instancing onto a mesh with a changing point count.
Fixed a broken switch parameter on MOPs Audio Falloff that prevented the Falloff attribute from being written.
MOPs v1.00
MOPs Version 1.0: The "Release" Release!
Tons of new changes and bugfixes since the last stable release! This release marks the complete feature set for the open source version of MOPs. Future feature additions will be focused on the upcoming commercial version of MOPs.
Changelog follows:
Instancer Updates
The official introduction of the MOPs Instancer 1.3, with the ability to directly wire in objects to instance, a simpler and better-organized interface, much faster evaluation, and automatic interpolation of deforming template meshes.
Point Attribute Compatibility
Apply Attributes and derived nodes can now write to point attributes as well as packed primitives, so almost all MOPs nodes will now work on points.
More Flexible Falloffs
All Falloff nodes can now write to any arbitrary point attribute, and all Modifiers can be customized to use any float attribute in place of @mops_falloff.
MOPs Shape Falloff now has a "radial wipe" mode.
MOPs Audio Falloff now has a "band preview" mode to better assist in mapping primitives to bands, and controls for remapping.
New Move Along Mesh 1.3
Move Along Mesh has a better interface that's more in-line with Move Along Spline, has customizable offsets for both position and orientation, supports VEXpressions, and automatically interpolates position and orientation over deforming geometry.
MOPs Align aka MOPs Pivot 1.1
MOPs Align is now MOPs Pivot, and has new options for setting the pivot to the centroid, VEXpressions, and can more easily set custom pivots for Packed Alembics.
QoL updates
All node documentation has been updated to reflect the new release.
All solver-based nodes now default the start frame to $RFSTART instead of 1.
MOPs Extract Attributes now automatically extracts both scale and pscale.
The "Ignore Zero Falloff" optimization in Apply Attributes is now ignored if a falloff attribute doesn't exist.
MOPs Convert will ignore the "use existing name" toggle if a name attribute isn't present, preventing errors.
Apply Attributes can now accept primitive group masks when "ignore zero falloff" is enabled.
MOPs Trails no longer merges in input geometry, to prevent extra points from showing up and mangling the trails.
MOPs Delay now supports a changing point count.
The MOPs to Point Instances shelf tool now makes per-network instance containers.
MOPs Orient Mesh now can automatically compute an up vector in exactly the same way as the Copy SOP.
MOPs v0.1.73 Experimental
Added "Band Preview" and remapping to MOPs Audio Falloff.
The MOPs Instancer no longer interprets un-resampled template curves as subdivision curves.
Fixed bad channel references in the "Align" and "Reorient" options for template curves in the MOPs Instancer.
MOPs Trails no longer merges in with the original trailed geometry (trails are output by themselves).
MOPs Orient Curve and MOPs Parallel Transport are now compilable again.
MOPs Sweep Spline can now use existing UVs for the cross-section geometry, if available.
MOPs v0.1.72 Experimental
Annoying bugfix patch!
Some very helpful users caught some interesting edge case bugs! Keep 'em coming!
MOPs Align 1.1 introduced. Now has an option to reset the pivot at the centroid, and has a VEXpression option for setting pivot offsets (in addition to the absolute pivot).
The MOPs Instancer uses the Global Transform values for points if "Points Only" is enabled, in case no actual instance objects have been defined in the multiparm.
MOPs Apply Attributes now properly computes scale and pscale when working with points instead of instances.
MOPs Apply Attributes now works properly with primitive groups if "Ignore Zero Falloff" is enabled.
MOPs Apply Attributes also now automatically internally sorts primitives (temporarily) to match the point order, in case you accidentally sort one without the other and they become mismatched.
MOPs Parallel Transport now auto-computes N before transport if needed, instead of just failing to compute anything at all.