MOPs v1.00
MOPs Version 1.0: The "Release" Release!
Tons of new changes and bugfixes since the last stable release! This release marks the complete feature set for the open source version of MOPs. Future feature additions will be focused on the upcoming commercial version of MOPs.
Changelog follows:
Instancer Updates
The official introduction of the MOPs Instancer 1.3, with the ability to directly wire in objects to instance, a simpler and better-organized interface, much faster evaluation, and automatic interpolation of deforming template meshes.
Point Attribute Compatibility
Apply Attributes and derived nodes can now write to point attributes as well as packed primitives, so almost all MOPs nodes will now work on points.
More Flexible Falloffs
All Falloff nodes can now write to any arbitrary point attribute, and all Modifiers can be customized to use any float attribute in place of @mops_falloff.
MOPs Shape Falloff now has a "radial wipe" mode.
MOPs Audio Falloff now has a "band preview" mode to better assist in mapping primitives to bands, and controls for remapping.
New Move Along Mesh 1.3
Move Along Mesh has a better interface that's more in-line with Move Along Spline, has customizable offsets for both position and orientation, supports VEXpressions, and automatically interpolates position and orientation over deforming geometry.
MOPs Align aka MOPs Pivot 1.1
MOPs Align is now MOPs Pivot, and has new options for setting the pivot to the centroid, VEXpressions, and can more easily set custom pivots for Packed Alembics.
QoL updates
All node documentation has been updated to reflect the new release.
All solver-based nodes now default the start frame to $RFSTART instead of 1.
MOPs Extract Attributes now automatically extracts both scale and pscale.
The "Ignore Zero Falloff" optimization in Apply Attributes is now ignored if a falloff attribute doesn't exist.
MOPs Convert will ignore the "use existing name" toggle if a name attribute isn't present, preventing errors.
Apply Attributes can now accept primitive group masks when "ignore zero falloff" is enabled.
MOPs Trails no longer merges in input geometry, to prevent extra points from showing up and mangling the trails.
MOPs Delay now supports a changing point count.
The MOPs to Point Instances shelf tool now makes per-network instance containers.
MOPs Orient Mesh now can automatically compute an up vector in exactly the same way as the Copy SOP.