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tanthammar edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 9 revisions

Trix There are two versions of the Trix field, with and without attachments.

Trix without file uploads


Requires you to have @stack('styles') in head, and @stack('scripts') after Livewire and Alpine script tags

Extends BaseField

Additional methods


  • Push external (cdn-links) for required scripts and styles to the layout
  • Omit, if you import the scripts manually
  • Only pushed once, even if you add multiple Trix fields to the same form.


Use this method to set the initial trix input value. Use $this->model to access existing model values.

Example without file uploads

    ->default('The initial value of the trix input') // Example: $this->model->foo
    ->includeExternalScripts() //will only be included once if multiple Trix fields.


Add the custom() option if you need to format the trix-input (html) before saving to database. Read more about custom data ->

Trix with file upload - sponsors only

Please sponsor this package in order to get access to this field.

IMPORTANT Requirements

  • same as for simple Trix field, above
  • add a uniquely named component property for each trix field in the form, where you accept attachments.
  • add the deleteTrixUpload() function to your form component (see below)
  • Remove 'onKeyDownEnter' property in the mount() method, otherwise the user can't create new lines in the Trix input
  • read the Livewire documentation about how to store file uploads

Extends BaseField

Additional methods

  • Same as simple Trix input.

->allowAttachments(string $componentPropertyName)

  • $componentPropertyName = Form component property name, required by Livewire file uploads
  • You must add a uniquely named component property for each trix field in the form, where you accept attachments.

->maxKB(int $kiloBytes)

  • Max allowed file size in KB.
  • You still have to validate in backend, this is just a simple frontend validation
  • If the js is tampered in frontend, the sizeLimitAlert() message is alerted but, the file will STILL BE VISIBLE as a PREVIEW in the trix input BUT NOT SAVED in the final trix html
  • Combine with sizeLimitAlert()

->sizeLimitAlert(string $message)

  • This message will be displayed in a simple JS alert, if the uploaded file is larger than maxKB().
  • Combine with maxKb()

Example with file upload

1. add the property

public $trixUpload; //unique key for each trix field in the form that accepts attachements

2. Add to fields()

public function fields()
    return [

3. Field declaration

    public function trix()
        // Remove keyDown enter in mount() otherwise you cannot create new lines in the Trix field
        return Trix::make('Trix')
            ->allowAttachments('trixUpload') //unique key for each trix field in the form
            ->default('The initial value of the trix input') // $this->model->foo
            ->includeExternalScripts() //will only be included once if multiple Trix fields.

2. Handle the file upload

  • Important: name the updatedFoo() method based on the field key, see Event Hooks wiki
  • Important !!!!! suffix the dispatched browser event name with a slug cased version of the field name, in the blade view AlpineJS listens to an event named: attachment-saved-{{ Str::slug($field->name, '-') }}
public function updatedTrixUpload($file)
    // If the js is tampered in frontend, the validation error is alerted but,
    // the file will STILL BE VISIBLE as a PREVIEW in the trix input but NOT SAVED in the final trix html
        'trixUpload' => 'image|max:1024', // Example 1MB

    $path = filled($file) ? $this->trixUpload->store('photos') : null; //'photos' = the storage path

    //Suffix the dispatched browser event, name, with the slug-cased-version-of-the-field-name. In this example the field is named "trix", Trix:make('Trix')
    if(filled($path)) $this->dispatchBrowserEvent("attachment-saved-trix", ['path' => asset($path)]);

    //now the user can upload another file
    //don't forget to schedule temp dir cleanup, see Livewire docs

3. Handle attachment deletion

  • Add deleteTrixUpload() to your form component
  • You must add this function to your form component, if you add a Trix field that allows attachments.
  • This method is called, when the user deletes an attachment in the trix field
  • You will receive two variables, a full url (including filename) and the filename.
    public function deleteTrixUpload($url, $filename)
        //dd($url, $filename);
        //delete the file

Blade component

Both versions of the Trix fields shares the same markup

    :value="data_get($this, $temp_key)"


Both versions of the Trix fields shares the same Blade component class Extend Blade component (or override in config file)

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