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TinaH edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 16 revisions



  • Used for flat key => value paired fields. Usually stored in a json db column. (Same as a Laravel Nova KeyVal field).
  • Do not forget to $cast the field to array on the model.

Extends BaseField

Additional methods

->fields($fields = [ ])

  • Nested KeyVal fields are supported in multiple levels.
  • You can use almost any field type, an error will be thrown if you use an invalid field.

->wrapperClass(string $classes)

  • Applied to the outer wrapper surrounding KeyVal field group
  • Default: 'flex flex-col'

->wrapperGrid(string $classes)

  • Defines the css grid for the KeyVal field group
  • Default: 'sm:flex sm:grid sm:grid-cols-12 sm:gap-x-2 sm:gap-y-4'

->childColspan(int $cols)

  • Overrides nested $field->colspan()
  • Default 12 of 12 columns
  • If you set it on the Panel you do not have to set it on each nested field.


  • Apply $field->stacked() to all nested fields, can be overridden in each field.


  • Apply $field->inline() to all nested fields, can be overridden in each field.

->wire(string $wire_model_declaration)

  • Override nested fields wire:model attribute.


    Input::make('Profession')->help('Field help')->rules('required'),
    Input::make('Pet')->help('Field help')->rules('required'),

Nested KeyVal Example

        Input::make('English', 'en')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
        Input::make('Swedish', 'sv')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
        Trix::make('English', 'en')->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
        Trix::make('Swedish', 'sv')->includeExternalScripts()->labelClass('font-medium capitalize', true)->rules('required'),
    KeyVal::make('Other Attribute')->labelClass('mb-0')->fields([
        Input::make('Something')->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
        Select::make('Multi select in keyval')->multiple()->options([1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two'], false),
        Checkboxes::make('Checkboxes in keyval')->options(['One' => '1', 'Two' => '2'])->default(['1']),
        KeyVal::make('Level 3')->labelClass('mb-0')->fields([
            Input::make('City')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->rules('required'),
            Input::make('Country')->colspan(6)->labelClass('font-medium capitalize my-0', true)->default('Sweden')->rules('required'),

Blade component

There is no blade component for the KeyVal field, it is a plain blade view that wraps each field.


Apart from dynamic styling mentioned above, you can alter the styling in the theme.

    /* KeyVal */
    .tf-keyval-root {
        @apply w-full;
    .tf-keyval-wrapper {
        @apply flex flex-col;
    .tf-keyval-wrapper-grid {
        @apply sm:flex sm:grid sm:grid-cols-12 sm:gap-x-2 sm:gap-y-4;
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