Releases: ropensci/git2r
CRAN release v0.25.2
- Improved the build configuration script: if the system installation
of libgit2 is to old, use the bundled libgit2 instead of raising an
- Fixed the broken build on Solaris.
CRAN release v0.25.1
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to version '0.28.1'.
Added additional parameters to the 'diff' function to control the
output, see the documentation. -
Added getPass option to the password argument in 'cred_user_pass'
(Annie Wang in PR #383) -
Changed the 'print' functions to return its argument invisibly.
Changed the 'git_config_files' function to return a 'data.frame'
Changed the 'ahead_behind' function to accept a tag or a branch for
the local and upstrean commit. -
Changed the 'descendent_of' function to accept a tag or a branch for
the 'commit' and 'ancestor' commit.
Fixed memory protection errors in the git2r C source code reported
by the 'rchk' tool. -
Fixed listing of 'commits' from a shallow repository.
Fixed the configuration script to include the missing macro
Fixed a significant warning from 'R CMD check'
CRAN release v0.24.0
This is a bug-fix release.
Fixed memory protection errors in the git2r C source code reported
by the 'rchk' tool. -
Raise an error if the path argument to the 'hashfile' function is
CRAN release v0.23.0
- Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to v0.27.3 (504bd54).
On macOS, git2r no longer enables SSH transport by default. This is
due to the complexity to build the dependencies for SSH transport in
an R package when macOS no longer ships the OpenSSL headers.
However, you can install git2r from source on macOS (see the 'R
Installation and Administration' manual) with SSH transport enabled
if you first install the libgit2 library, for example, using the
Homebrew package manager. Another possibility is to let the build
configuration automatically download the libgit2 library from the
Homebrew package manager with:install.packages('git2r', type='source', configure.vars='autobrew=yes')
CRAN release v0.22.1
Added the 'git_config_files' method to locate configuration files.
Added the 'stash_pop' method to apply a single stashed state from
the stash list and remove it from the list if successful. -
Added the 'stash_apply' method to apply a single stashed state from
the stash list.
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to v0.27.2 (8d36dc6).
git2r can now build against a system installation of libgit2
(Elliott Sales de Andrade in PR #345, #344 and #336). -
Refactoring of the configuration scripts to use a prebuilt libgit2
on macOS and Windows (Thanks Jeroen). -
Ensure that git2r writes the config file to the correct location on
Windows (John Blischak in PR #320). -
Better default location to find ssh keys in 'cred_ssh_key()' (Ian
Lyttle in PR #317).
- If a merge results in no change, the returned 'git_merge_result' now returns
'FALSE' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'NA' for 'sha'. Previously it
returned 'logical(0)' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'character(0)'
for 'sha'.
Changed from S4 classes to S3 classes to simplify the design and
facilitate future development. -
Removed the trailing slash from the directory name when reporting
repository path or workdir. -
Removed the 'libgit2_sha' method. Use the 'libgit2_version' method
instead. -
Changed the 'stash_drop' argument 'index' from zero-based to
one-based i.e. use index = 1 to drop the first stash.
git2r v0.22.0 RC2
- Added the 'git_config_files' method to locate configuration files.
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to v0.27.2 (8d36dc6).
git2r can now build against a system installation of libgit2
(Elliott Sales de Andrade in PR #345, #344 and #336). -
Refactoring of the configuration scripts to use a prebuilt libgit2
on macOS and Windows (Thanks Jeroen). -
Ensure that git2r writes the config file to the correct location on
Windows (John Blischak in PR #320). -
Better default location to find ssh keys in 'cred_ssh_key()' (Ian
Lyttle in PR #317).
- If a merge results in no change, the returned 'git_merge_result' now returns
'FALSE' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'NA' for 'sha'. Previously it
returned 'logical(0)' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'character(0)'
for 'sha'.
Changed from S4 classes to S3 classes to simplify the design and
facilitate future development. -
Removed the trailing slash from the directory name when reporting
repository path or workdir. -
Removed the 'libgit2_sha' method. Use the 'libgit2_version' method
git2r v0.22.0 RC1
- Added the 'git_config_files' method to locate configuration files.
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to v0.27.2 (8d36dc6).
git2r can now build against a system installation of libgit2
(Elliott Sales de Andrade in PR #345, #344 and #336). -
Refactoring of the configuration scripts to use a prebuilt libgit2
on macOS and Windows (Thanks Jeroen). -
Ensure that git2r writes the config file to the correct location on
Windows (John Blischak in PR #320). -
Better default location to find ssh keys in 'cred_ssh_key()' (Ian
Lyttle in PR #317).
- If a merge results in no change, the returned 'git_merge_result' now returns
'FALSE' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'NA' for 'sha'. Previously it
returned 'logical(0)' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'character(0)'
for 'sha'.
Changed from S4 classes to S3 classes to simplify the design and
facilitate future development. -
Removed the trailing slash from the directory name when reporting
repository path or workdir. -
Removed the 'libgit2_sha' method. Use the 'libgit2_version' method
CRAN release v0.21.0
- Added methods 'odb_blobs' and 'odb_objects' with missing repository
signature. Internally, they use 'getwd' and 'discover_repository' to
open a repository.
- The bundled libgit2 source code has been reverted to libgit2 v0.26.0
(15e1193) from 14 June 2017 (same as in git2r v0.19.0) to fix memory
alignment errors.
CRAN release v0.20.0
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to commit (fa8cf14) from 16
December 2017. -
Improvements to the build configuration script.
- Fixed the internal callback for remote host authentication from
hanging indefinitely when querying an ssh-agent for
credentials. Now, the callback signals an error instead of trying
again if the authentication failed the first time.
CRAN release v0.19.0
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to commit (15e1193)
(v0.26.0) from 14 June 2017. -
Added 'checkout' argument to 'clone()'. Allows to control whether
checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete. Setting
'checkout=FALSE' has similar effect as the git command line option
'--no-checkout'. Andrzej K. Oles in #282.
Fixed memory protection errors in the git2r C source code reported
by the 'rchk' tool. -
Added missing calls to 'R_forceSymbols' and 'R_useDynamicSymbols' in
the C init function. -
Enable argument 'all' to commit multiple modified (or deleted)
files. John Blischak in #283 -
Changed the configure script to determine the architecture of the
machine earlier in order to fix an unsupported architecture error
encountered on CentOS (#268, #288).