CRAN release v0.19.0
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to commit (15e1193)
(v0.26.0) from 14 June 2017. -
Added 'checkout' argument to 'clone()'. Allows to control whether
checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete. Setting
'checkout=FALSE' has similar effect as the git command line option
'--no-checkout'. Andrzej K. Oles in #282.
Fixed memory protection errors in the git2r C source code reported
by the 'rchk' tool. -
Added missing calls to 'R_forceSymbols' and 'R_useDynamicSymbols' in
the C init function. -
Enable argument 'all' to commit multiple modified (or deleted)
files. John Blischak in #283 -
Changed the configure script to determine the architecture of the
machine earlier in order to fix an unsupported architecture error
encountered on CentOS (#268, #288).