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CRAN release v0.22.1

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@stewid stewid released this 10 Jul 15:08
· 415 commits to main since this release


  • Added the 'git_config_files' method to locate configuration files.

  • Added the 'stash_pop' method to apply a single stashed state from
    the stash list and remove it from the list if successful.

  • Added the 'stash_apply' method to apply a single stashed state from
    the stash list.


  • Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to v0.27.2 (8d36dc6).

  • git2r can now build against a system installation of libgit2
    (Elliott Sales de Andrade in PR #345, #344 and #336).

  • Refactoring of the configuration scripts to use a prebuilt libgit2
    on macOS and Windows (Thanks Jeroen).

  • Ensure that git2r writes the config file to the correct location on
    Windows (John Blischak in PR #320).

  • Better default location to find ssh keys in 'cred_ssh_key()' (Ian
    Lyttle in PR #317).


  • If a merge results in no change, the returned 'git_merge_result' now returns
    'FALSE' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'NA' for 'sha'. Previously it
    returned 'logical(0)' for 'fast_forward' and 'conflicts' and 'character(0)'
    for 'sha'.


  • Changed from S4 classes to S3 classes to simplify the design and
    facilitate future development.

  • Removed the trailing slash from the directory name when reporting
    repository path or workdir.

  • Removed the 'libgit2_sha' method. Use the 'libgit2_version' method

  • Changed the 'stash_drop' argument 'index' from zero-based to
    one-based i.e. use index = 1 to drop the first stash.