CRAN release v0.25.1
Updated the bundled libgit2 source code to version '0.28.1'.
Added additional parameters to the 'diff' function to control the
output, see the documentation. -
Added getPass option to the password argument in 'cred_user_pass'
(Annie Wang in PR #383) -
Changed the 'print' functions to return its argument invisibly.
Changed the 'git_config_files' function to return a 'data.frame'
Changed the 'ahead_behind' function to accept a tag or a branch for
the local and upstrean commit. -
Changed the 'descendent_of' function to accept a tag or a branch for
the 'commit' and 'ancestor' commit.
Fixed memory protection errors in the git2r C source code reported
by the 'rchk' tool. -
Fixed listing of 'commits' from a shallow repository.
Fixed the configuration script to include the missing macro
Fixed a significant warning from 'R CMD check'