Releases: rero/rero-ils
Releases · rero/rero-ils
Fix empty publishers field
This patch fixes #367
Search and notifications
- Release version number following the Semantic Versioning recommandations
- Circulation:
- "Notification" resource added (schema, mappings)
- Notification parameters added to the "circulation policy" resource (number of days before due date, number of days after due date)
- Automatic creation of four types of notifications: recall, availability (request), due soon, overdue first reminder
- Celery task cron to create and send overdue and due soon notifications
- Notification dispatcher created in order to send notifications to the proper patron, in his preferred language, through the appropriate channel
- Search:
- ElasticSearch template mechanism implemented
- Analyzers applying to resource fields configured
- Field boosting configured
- Query parser using the boosting configuration
- Consortium:
- New role: system librarian
- System librarian is granted full rights within his or her organisation
- Librarian allowed to edit, add, delete librarians of his or her library only
- Librarian cannot edit, delete system librarians
- Librarian allowed to manage users of his own library only (when edition is not authorized, the buttons are not diplayed)
- The selector of affiliation library presents only the authorized libraries
- Permissions:
- Permission factory improved
- Permission data added to the REST API:
- Links to actions (create, update, delete)
- Reasons why a permission is denied
- Fixtures: fix
transformation to adapt to RDA changes in the RERO data source - Instance: upgrade
to version 1.2.1, in order to enable dedicated table for each resource - Code quality:
- Improved users fixtures for tests, with relevant roles
- Fixed issues: #52, #217, #349
Consolidation and consortium features
- User interface:
- Web notification using bootstrap toast component
- Pickup location name replaced by pickup library name
- Pickup location name column removed from patron profile (checkouts tab)
- Professional user interface:
- Patron type and library IDs replaced by names
- Improved opening hours editor and validation
- Optional description fields for item and patron type
- Improved exceptions (holidays) editor
- Add item shortcut button removed from the professional document result view
- Re-ordered professional menu categories and subcategories
- Circulation:
- New due date after renewal computed from current date instead of current due date
- Renewal removed from list of actions if new due date is shorter than the current one
- Check-out of in-transit items enabled (under specific conditions)
- Renewal of requested items disabled
- Corrected item status after checking in a requested item
- Consortium:
- Multiple organisations support added
- Fixture data contains two organisations
- REST API result lists filtered by organisation
- REST API access restricted by organisation (read, write, delete, update)
- Item generation rewritten to comply with the two organisation model (item type, location)
- Loan generation rewritten to comply whith the two organisation model (item type, patron type, circulation policy, location, … )
- Action buttons on professional documents view disabled for items not belonging to the current logged in librarian organisation.
- eBooks:
- Cantook platform harvesting using the API (provides richer data) instead of OAI-PMH
- Cantook JSON transformed to Invenio MARC21 JSON (dojson)
- Invenio MARC21 JSON tranformed to RERO ILS JSON (dojson)
- Cantook cover art displayed if available
- Instance:
- RERO ILS upgraded to Invenio 3.1
- Error level logs sent to a RERO hosted Sentry service for monitoring purpose
- RERO EBOOKS upgraded to Invenio 3.1 (webpack implemented)
- RERO EBOOKS v0.1.0a1 released
- Code quality:
- Increase test coverage to 89%
- Fix all missing docstrings
- Commit message template updated accordingly to Invenio recommandations
- Fixed issues: #58, #38 #155, #222, #223, #224, #230, #231, #232, #235, #254
Circulation, authorities and search completion
- User interface:
- Upgrade to twitter bootstrap 4.1.3 and fontawesome 4.7.
- Simplification and harmonization of the user interface (public and professional views).
- The menu moved from the sidebar to the header, with an improved responsive behaviour.
- Favicons added.
- The document type is also displayed in the item detailed view.
- Fix subjects facets issue (mapping).
- Hide facet when it's empty and remove date range facet.
- Professional views are now an angular application:
- Circulation ui, circulation settings, library edition, all editors.
- Library and circulation policies are custom editors, the others are built with the form options, JSON shema, through
. - Search for resources (libraries, patron types, item types, circulation policies, documents, patrons).
- On the fly translation mechanism implemented for angular application.
- A new modal dialog added in the professional views for resources deletion.
- Circulation user interface compliant with
and circulation policies mechanism. - Public search view rewritten in angular6.
- Autocomplete dialog during search (documents and persons) with direct links to authorities.
- Remove
from the dependencies. - Reorder professional menus in a modular structure that should make sense to the professional.
- Editors:
- Selector menus in the editor are dynamically populated (ie. PID are replaced by actual names).
- Library editor: completely rewritten:
- Opening hours can be set, as well as holidays and exceptions.
- Fields are dynamically validated.
- Links between resources:
- Use the JSON reference resolution (
) supported byinvenio
, for MEF Person authorities too (through APIs). - All PID links are JSON reference.
- Many search and detailed views have been updated correspondingly.
- Library facet is now based on the library PID.
- Use the JSON reference resolution (
- API:
- New
function, different fromupdate
. is_open
function to determine if the library is open.- Resolvers added, especially a global one.
- A global
function added, to identify if a resource can be deleted or not, also for item types and patron types.
- New
- Circulation:
- Integration of
and refactoring of circulation APIs. - Circulation ui refactoring to make use of the
API and the$ref
mechanism. - Circulation policies can be added, edited in a custom angular form.
- Circulation policies taken into account for each circulation transaction and for the display of the request button.
- Integration of
- Fixtures:
- Libraries with opening hours, holidays and exceptions.
- Data importation has been updated after the
refactoring, especially for links between bibliographic records and MEF Person authorites.
- Tests:
- All tests are now compliant with
- All tests are now compliant with
- MEF:
- Document brief and detailed views display MEF authorities as a link.
- MEF Person detailed view provides a list of documents whose author is that person.
- MEF Person detailed view data are dynamically fetched from the MEF server (
- During indexing, data of the MEF record is injected into the document index.
- Improve the mapping and indexing of MEF records, in order to display the person's name depending on the language interface.
- Fixed issues: #37, #43, #48, #70, #126, #114, #137, #164, #215, #221, #234
Circulation, authorities and refactoring
release, ie. including the v0.1.0a19
- New
resource for authorities (MEF records), for now only for persons. - Authorities for persons harvested form the new MEF RERO service.
- New
- Document covers displayed, when available.
- Facets:
- Reordering of facets.
- Replaced "locations" by "libraries" facet.
- Facets are foldable and extendable.
- New "sources" facet for the persons results page.
- Persons are searchable (only by logged-in librarians yet).
- Two detailed views implemented for persons, displaying data sources.
- New administration sidebar menu.
- New sticky autohide header bar, with new menu.
- Deletion of record is verified: when the record is linked to other resources, the delete button is disabled and a message is shown.
- The librarian can define patron types.
- The librarian can define item types.
- The librarian can define circulation policies.
Harvesting: added a parameter to limit the number of records to harvest by OAI-PMH or API.
modules merged together and renamed torero-ils
.- Module structure and script helpers updated using the new released version of
. - New installation process and contributing guidelines documented.
- In the consortial structure, member renamed to library.
Issues closed: #71, #20, #53, #44, #94, #109, #103, #111, #127, #125.
Known issues: the sidebar partially hides the content; this will be fixed in the next deployment.
Import eBooks from external sources
- eBooks records from external services are imported and synchronized; from the detailed view of these eBooks, the users can bounce through a link to the source.
- The search has now AND as a default boolean.
Add document types
Fixing issues (minor release)
- Circulation:
- The circulation module interface supports routing (i.e. independent URLs per functional page, for reference and navigation purposes).
- The table in the pending view is sortable.
- Messages are displayed to librarians when requested items are checked in.
- Messages are displayed to librarians when requests are validated (new status at desk, or in transit).
- When a request is validated, the related patron is notified by email.
- Fixtures:
- There is only one organisation with three members (libraries). The example looks like a true small network of libraries.
- Some patrons have been added, with predefined circulation transactions. These transactions can be set in the
file. This is especially useful for testing purposes.
- Data:
- Librarians can access the item full view, which displays the related circulation transactions (loan and requests).
- Visitors and logged in patrons aren't authorized to access members (libraries), locations and patron full views.
- User experience:
- The web interface is enriched with links that enable librarians to access more quickly the needed information or functions.
- The availability information has been simplified with only two colors: green if available, red if not. When an item isn't available, some additional information is displayed when relevant (ie. due date).
- Issues fixed: #11, #26, #27, #30
Circulation in progress II
- User management:
- Fixtures: the
script creates a librarian for each member (library), three patrons with on-going circulations transactions [see the help page]. - Librarians can create users and grant or revoke them roles.
- Users with no roles can:
- log in
- and search for documents.
- Users with the patron role can:
- access their profile,
- place requests
- and borrow items.
- Users with the staff role are authorized to:
- manage all resources (documents, items, organisations, members, locations, users):
- make use of the circulation module.
- Users with no roles can:
- Fixtures: the
- Data:
- Item and patron barcodes are validated at creation in order to assure that they are unique. This is required by the circulation-ui module.
- Member and location codes are also validated.
- Search:
- The placeholder of search input in the header changes according to the search view (documents, organisations, users). In the future, this will be a selector menu.
- Circulation:
- The
enables the management of requests (on items for now). - Additional item states have been added, such as at desk (the item is ready to be picked up at the loan office) and in transit (the item is being sent from one library to another).
- In the circulation module, logged in librarians have access to a second tab that displays the pending requests related to their library.
- Librarians can validate requests, meaning that the item has been retrieved from the shelf. The item state changes accordingly (at desk or in transit).
- In the check in / check out tab, the renewal action is now available.
- The