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Releases: rero/rero-ils

Circulation in progress

08 May 09:42
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  • Users management:
    • Patrons fixtures have been extended with actual circulation transactions, such as check out and pending request, and authentication data. Therefore, these patrons are ready for testing actions.
    • Logged-in patrons can display their profile including personal data, list of borrowed and pending documents.
  • Data:
    • A global API for all resources (records) is now available (class IlsRecords and RecordWithElements).
    • Circulation transactions are logged into a postgres table, enabling loan history.
    • Logged patrons can make requests on items, except if the item is missing or if the item is already requested/loaned by the patron.
    • When a patron request an item, a pick up location must be selected in a drop down menu.
    • Requested items are marked as such in the document detailed view (On loan requested or requested).
    • If there's several request on the same item, the logged-in patron can see its rank in the pending list.
  • Circulation:
    • The reroils-circulation-ui enables:
      • patron basic information display, with borrowed item and due dates,
      • check out (already in v.0.1.0a11),
      • in check out mode, default actions are guessed by the system, but can be modified by the librarian before validation,
      • check-in,
      • check-in missing item (when found again),
      • patron basic information display, with borrowed item and due dates.
  • Documentation: the public demo help has been moved to the reroils-app GitHub's wiki.

First check out and minimal consortia implementation

12 Apr 11:29
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  • Users management:
    • Now we have patron's accounts, with some fixtures.
    • There's a view for patrons.
    • Patrons can be searched.
    • The [email protected] account is able to create a patron's account.
    • The patron's account is linked to a user's account through the email.
  • Data:
    • The reroils-data module has been rewrited to get separated submodules for each type of record (documents, items, organisations, members, locations, patrons).
    • Institutions, libraries and locations are now organisations, members and locations.
    • Links now exists between:
      • organisations, members and locations,
      • patrons and users,
      • patrons and items when a patron borrowed an item,
      • items and locations.
        Links between documents and items were already implemented.
    • The [email protected] account can, from the document detailed view, add items and link them to:
      • documents,
      • locations.
    • When an item is created or edited, the barcode is checked in order to assure uniqueness.
    • All record types (document, item, organisation, member, location, patron) can be created, edited and deleted.
  • Circulation:
    • Now there a specific view for circulation (an angular application).
    • The [email protected] account can use it to lend items to a patron.
    • The same view should be used to realize check-ins and manual renewals in the future (to be tested).

The public demo is still on

Minimal consortium implementation

13 Mar 12:08
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  • Project:
    • Changes now commited directly on github.
    • Minimal contribution information available.
  • Fixtures:
    • Development version of the script generates less items, in order to streamline the dev. environment.
    • There are also fixtures for institutions, libraries and locations.
  • Editor:
    • The editor is now more generic and can be used for all types of objects (bibliographic records, institutions records).
    • Institutions, libraries and locations can be created, edited and deleted by the librarian user.
    • There's a search view for those same types of documents.
  • Users management:
    • Visitors are able to create a user account, confirm their email address, reset their password.