Circulation, authorities and search completion
User interface:
Upgrade to twitter bootstrap 4.1.3 and fontawesome 4.7.
Simplification and harmonization of the user interface (public and professional views).
The menu moved from the sidebar to the header, with an improved responsive behaviour.
Favicons added.
The document type is also displayed in the item detailed view.
Fix subjects facets issue (mapping).
Hide facet when it's empty and remove date range facet.
Professional views are now an angular application:
Circulation ui, circulation settings, library edition, all editors.
Library and circulation policies are custom editors, the others are built with the form options, JSON shema, through angular6-json-schema-form
Search for resources (libraries, patron types, item types, circulation policies, documents, patrons).
On the fly translation mechanism implemented for angular application.
A new modal dialog added in the professional views for resources deletion.
Circulation user interface compliant with invenio-circulation
and circulation policies mechanism.
Public search view rewritten in angular6.
Autocomplete dialog during search (documents and persons) with direct links to authorities.
Remove invenio-search-ui
from the dependencies.
Reorder professional menus in a modular structure that should make sense to the professional.
Selector menus in the editor are dynamically populated (ie. PID are replaced by actual names).
Library editor: completely rewritten:
Opening hours can be set, as well as holidays and exceptions.
Fields are dynamically validated.
Links between resources:
Use the JSON reference resolution ($ref
) supported by invenio
, for MEF Person authorities too (through APIs).
All PID links are JSON reference.
Many search and detailed views have been updated correspondingly.
Library facet is now based on the library PID.
New replace
function, different from update
function to determine if the library is open.
Resolvers added, especially a global one.
A global can_delete
function added, to identify if a resource can be deleted or not, also for item types and patron types.
Integration of invenio-circulation
and refactoring of circulation APIs.
Circulation ui refactoring to make use of the invenio-circulation
API and the $ref
Circulation policies can be added, edited in a custom angular form.
Circulation policies taken into account for each circulation transaction and for the display of the request button.
Libraries with opening hours, holidays and exceptions.
Data importation has been updated after the $ref
refactoring, especially for links between bibliographic records and MEF Person authorites.
All tests are now compliant with invenio-pytest
Document brief and detailed views display MEF authorities as a link.
MEF Person detailed view provides a list of documents whose author is that person.
MEF Person detailed view data are dynamically fetched from the MEF server ( )
During indexing, data of the MEF record is injected into the document index.
Improve the mapping and indexing of MEF records, in order to display the person's name depending on the language interface.
Fixed issues: #37 , #43 , #48 , #70 , #126 , #114 , #137 , #164 , #215 , #221 , #234
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