Release version number following the Semantic Versioning recommandations
"Notification" resource added (schema, mappings)
Notification parameters added to the "circulation policy" resource (number of days before due date, number of days after due date)
Automatic creation of four types of notifications: recall, availability (request), due soon, overdue first reminder
Celery task cron to create and send overdue and due soon notifications
Notification dispatcher created in order to send notifications to the proper patron, in his preferred language, through the appropriate channel
ElasticSearch template mechanism implemented
Analyzers applying to resource fields configured
Field boosting configured
Query parser using the boosting configuration
New role: system librarian
System librarian is granted full rights within his or her organisation
Librarian allowed to edit, add, delete librarians of his or her library only
Librarian cannot edit, delete system librarians
Librarian allowed to manage users of his own library only (when edition is not authorized, the buttons are not diplayed)
The selector of affiliation library presents only the authorized libraries
Permission factory improved
Permission data added to the REST API:
Links to actions (create, update, delete)
Reasons why a permission is denied
Fixtures: fix dojson
transformation to adapt to RDA changes in the RERO data source
Instance: upgrade invenio-records
to version 1.2.1, in order to enable dedicated table for each resource
Code quality:
Improved users fixtures for tests, with relevant roles
Fixed issues: #52 , #217 , #349
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