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Taranchuk edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

This DefModExtension can be added to weather defs, in their <modExtensions> tag. You also need to add <li>WeatherOverlay_Effects</li> to <overlayClasses>.

Here is an example:

<li Class="VFECore.WeatherEffectsExtension">
	<ticksInterval>1000</ticksInterval> <!-- Do effects ticks interval -->
	<hediffsToApply> <!-- Hediffs added to pawns -->
			<hediff>ToxicBuildup</hediff> <!-- Hediff defName -->
			<severityOffset>0.010</severityOffset> <!-- Initial and added severity to hediffs -->
			<effectMultiplyingStat>ToxicSensitivity</effectMultiplyingStat> <!-- Stat taken into account for severity -->
	<causesRotting>True</causesRotting> <!-- Should it rot things -->
	<rotProgressPerDamage>3000</rotProgressPerDamage> <!-- Rotting progress per hit-->
	<killingPlants>false</killingPlants> <!-- Should it kill plants -->
	<chanceToKillPlants>0.0065</chanceToKillPlants> <!-- Chance to kill plants -->
	<activeOnWeatherPerceived>RG-W_ToxicRain</activeOnWeatherPerceived> <!-- Only active when this weather is visible on the screen --> 
	<worksOnNonFleshPawns>false</worksOnNonFleshPawns> <!-- Set it to true if you want to affect non-flesh pawns such as mechanoids -->
<li Class="VFECore.WeatherEffectsExtension">
	<ticksInterval>300~600</ticksInterval> <!-- Can also accept range, so it will work every 300-600 ticks randomly -->
	<damageToApply>Blunt</damageToApply> <!-- Damage def to deal -->
	<damageRange>0.1~0.5</damageRange> <!-- Damage range to deal -->
	<percentOfPawnsToDealDamage>0.1</percentOfPawnsToDealDamage> <!-- Percent of pawns on the map to take damage. 0.1 will take random 10% of all pawns to deal damage -->
	<activeOnWeatherPerceived>RG_Hail</activeOnWeatherPerceived> <!-- Only active when this weather is visible on the screen --> 

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General DefModExtensions

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