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Extreme Xenophobia

juanosarg edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 1 revision

CompExtremeXenophobia allows you to create a colonist that will enter a xenophobic murderous rage if another colonist belongs to a different defName than the ones specified in the comp. This is only useful if you use Humanoid Alien Races, since in vanilla game the only defName that will appear for playable colonists is "Human"

    //This comp class makes this animal attack any member of its faction that doesn't belong
    //to a specified list of defNames. Checks every berserkRate to avoid lag

    public int berserkRate = 10000;
    public List<string> AcceptedDefnames = null;

How do I use this code?

It is a comp class, so you just add it in XML in the <comps> tag.

VFE Core

General Comp classes

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Animal Behaviours







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