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luissian edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 8 revisions

Besides the scope of getting the run information, iSkyLIMS will help you by collecting statistics for:

  • Projects per Investigator
  • Period of time
  • Library Kit Quality

Project Statistics per Investigator

To get the information abut the latest run select from the main menu Statistics--> Project per Investigator

Statistics per Investigator

When selecting it, a form will be displayed to enter the Investigator name and the period of time that you want to get the statistics.

Form Statistics per Investigator

Displaying statistics per Investigator

The statistics page per Investigator is divided in these parts:

  • Basic information
  • Statistics graphics per Investigator
  • Graphics comparison
  • Sequencer utilization

Basic information

The first part show the projects that have bee done by the Investigator for the chosen selection period of time. The projects are separated by Sequencers.

Statistics Investigator basic

In the project information table you can see the project date, the used library kit and the quality data for each project.

Statistics graphics per Investigator

On the second part it is presented quality information graphics to compare the previous presented projects in graphics.

Statistics Investigator graphics

The graphics are separated by all kind of Sequencer used by the Investigator for the period of selected time.

Graphics comparison

Next graphics, will allow to compare the Investigator quality result with the rest of the Investigators.

Statistics Investigator comparison

Sequencer utilization

The last information is the Sequencer usage by the Investigator. This information could be used to know the preferred Sequencer by the Investigator.

Statistics Investigator Sequencer utilization

Period of time

To get the information abut the latest run select from the main menu Statistics--> Period of time

Statistics per time

When selecting it, a form will be displayed to enter the period of time that you want to get the statistics.

Form Statistics per Investigator

Displaying statistics per time

Displaying statistics per time will give you information abut the number of Runs and projects that have been created during this period.

Run information

The first statistics information show us the number of the runs created for this period of time.

Statistics per time runs

Graphic chart will display the number of runs that are created on the same day.

On the right side all runs are listed, and you can click on the link to see the information about the run.

Disk utilization

Disk space utilization will help you to identify if you are running out of disk space. Note that for the moment we are not collecting free/used space shared folder.

Statistics per time runs

Project Information

Similar information as mention before for run statistics is displayed for projects. Note that you can click on the project name to get the project information. Statistics per time runs

Undetermined Barcode

Statistics per time runs

Statistics per time runs

Library Kit Quality

To get the information abut the latest run select from the main menu Statistics--> Library Kit Quality

When selecting it, a form will be displayed to enter the period of time that you want to get the statistics.

Displaying statistics per Library Kit

When displaying statistics for a library you could find that the name of the library matches with more than one. For example when searching for "Nextera XT" you could get also that "Nextera XT v2 Set A", "Nextera XT v2 Set A" match your query, if they are defined in your system.

We find out that in some situation is important to check the quality on these set of libraries to identify differences. For that reason graphic figures are displayed to compare :

  • Percentage bases Q>30
  • Mean Quality Score
  • Number of bases

Match library

The second part of the library statistics is the comparison for all library kit that have been used for the chosen period of time.

Match library comparison

We are comparing :

  • Percentage bases Q>30
  • Mean Quality Score
  • Number of bases

The next graphic shows the information about which Library kit was used more during the period of time defined in the query.

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