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luissian edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 6 revisions

iSkyLIMS will help you preparing reports that you could use in reporting to your organization.

Three different reports have been created.

  • Annual Report
  • Quarter Report
  • Monthly Report

To get these reports go to the main menu Reports and select one of the three options.

When selecting the Annual Report a form to set the year is showed.

When selecting the Quarter Report a form to set the year and the quarter is showed.

When selecting the Monthly Report a form to set the month and the year is showed.

Displaying Reports

The information that reports generated is the same for the three types of the reports. For that reason we will only describe the Annual Report. The other two will be the same.

The information that we can see is:

  • Runs performed
  • Projects performed by investigator
  • Percentage Q > 30
  • Percentage aligned
  • Error rate

Runs performed

The first information showed is the runs that have been created during the year.

Reports Run

Where we can see the Percentage of completed/Unfinished Runs.

Projects performed by investigator

We will classify three groups of Investigators according to the number of projects done during the year:

Reports Run

  • Investigators with less than 5 Projects
  • Investigators with more than 5 but less than 10 Projects
  • Investigators with more than 10 Projects

Reports projects

Percentage Q > 30 Then we display the percentage for the Q> 30 Reports Q30

Percentage aligned

The percentage for the aligned

Reports aligned

Error rate

the percentage for the Error rate

Reports Error Rate

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