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Python: virtual environment and other packages

luissian edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 28 revisions

Create iSkyLIMS project inside Django (pay attention to the final dot!)

cd /srv/iSkyLIMS
source virtualenv/bin/activate
django-admin startproject iSkyLIMS .

(SECRET_KEY has been generated and it is stored in /srv/iSkyLIMS/iSkyLIMS/ Write down or create a file with your SECRET_KEY because you will need it later)

iSkyLIMS configuration files

To help you in the configuration process, a set of configuration files were defined, that can be found in /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf directory.

Copy configuration files ‘’ and ‘

cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/iSkyLIMS/
cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/iSkyLIMS/

Copy configuration files for wetlab

cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/index_file /srv/iSkyLIMS/documents/wetlab/
cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/iSkyLIMS_wetlab/

Copy configuration file for drylab

cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/iSkyLIMS_drylab/

Copy (and rename) configuration file ‘

cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zinnia/

Copy (and rename) configuration file ‘

cp /srv/iSkyLIMS/conf/ /srv/iSkyLIMS/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zinnia_wymeditor/
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