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Asynchronous server with finer-grained I/O control #22

merged 14 commits into from
Oct 29, 2022
276 changes: 155 additions & 121 deletions src/main/php/peer/server/AsyncServer.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<?php namespace peer\server;

use lang\{IllegalStateException, Throwable};
use Throwable;
use lang\IllegalStateException;
use peer\server\protocol\SocketAcceptHandler;
use peer\{ServerSocket, SocketException, SocketTimeoutException};

Expand All @@ -19,7 +20,17 @@
* @test xp://peer.unittest.server.AsyncServerTest
class AsyncServer extends Server {
private $select= [], $handle= [], $tasks= [];
private $select= [], $tasks= [], $continuation= [];

static function __static() {

// For PHP < 7.3.0
if (!function_exists('array_key_last')) {
function array_key_last(&$array) {
return key(array_slice($array, -1, 1, true));

* Adds server socket to listen on, associating protocol handler with it
Expand All @@ -36,22 +47,24 @@ public function listen($socket, ServerProtocol $protocol) {
$protocol->server= $this;

$this->select($socket, function($socket) use($protocol) {
$connection= $socket->accept();
if ($protocol instanceof SocketAcceptHandler && !$protocol->handleAccept($connection)) {
$i= $this->select ? array_key_last($this->select) + 1 : 1;
$this->select[$i]= $socket;
$this->continuation[$i]= new Continuation(function($socket) use($protocol) {
do {
$connection= $socket->accept();
if ($protocol instanceof SocketAcceptHandler && !$protocol->handleAccept($connection)) {

$this->tcpnodelay && $connection->useNoDelay();
$this->select($connection, [
[$protocol, 'handleData'],
[$protocol, 'handleDisconnect'],
[$protocol, 'handleError']
$this->tcpnodelay && $connection->useNoDelay();
yield 'accept' => $this->select($connection, $protocol);
} while (!$this->terminate);

// Never time out sockets we listen on
$this->continuation[$i]->next= null;
return $this;

Expand All @@ -68,42 +81,64 @@ public function shutdown() {
* Adds socket to select, associating a function to call for data
* @param peer.Socket|peer.BSDSocket $socket
* @param callable[]|function(peer.Socket|peer.BSDSocket): void $function
* @param peer.Protocol|function(peer.Socket|peer.BSDSocket): void $handler
* @return peer.Socket|peer.BSDSocket
public function select($socket, $function) {
if ($this->select) {
$i= key($this->select) + 1;
public function select($socket, $handler) {
$i= $this->select ? array_key_last($this->select) + 1 : 1;
$this->select[$i]= $socket;
if ($handler instanceof ServerProtocol) {
$this->continuation[$i]= new Continuation(function($socket) use($handler) {
try {

// Check for readability, then handle incoming data
while ($socket->isConnected() && !$socket->eof()) {
yield 'read' => $socket;
yield from $handler->handleData($socket) ?? [];

// Handle disconnnect gracefully, ensure socket is closed
} catch (Throwable $t) {

// Handle any errors, then close socket
$handler->handleError($socket, $t);
} else {
$i= 0;
$this->continuation[$i]= new Continuation($handler);

$this->select[$i]= $socket;
$this->handle[$i]= is_array($function) ? $function : [$function];
return $socket;

* Schedule a given task to execute every given seconds. The task
* function can return an integer to indicate in how many seconds
* its next invocation should occur, overwriting the default value
* given here. If this integer is negative, the task stops running.
* Returns the added task's ID.
* function can return how many seconds its next invocation should
* occur, overwriting the default value given here. If this number
* is negative, the task stops running. Returns the added task's ID.
* Note: If the task function raises any exception the task stops
* running. To continue executing, exceptions must be caught and
* handled within the function!
* @param int $seconds
* @param function(): ?int
* @param int|float $seconds
* @param function(): ?int|float
* @return int
public function schedule($seconds, $function) {
if ($this->tasks) {
$i= key($this->tasks) - 1;
} else {
$i= -1;

$this->tasks[$i]= [$seconds, $function];
$i= $this->tasks ? array_key_last($this->tasks) - 1 : -1;
$this->tasks[$i]= $function;
$this->continuation[$i]= new Continuation(function($function) use($seconds) {
try {
while (($seconds= $function() ?? $seconds) >= 0) {
yield 'delay' => $seconds * 1000;
} catch (Throwable $t) {
// Not displayed, simply stops execution
return $i;

Expand All @@ -114,105 +149,104 @@ public function schedule($seconds, $function) {
* @throws lang.IllegalStateException
public function service() {
if (empty($this->select)) {
throw new IllegalStateException('No sockets to select on');
if (empty($this->select) && empty($this->tasks)) {
throw new IllegalStateException('No sockets or tasks to execute');

// Set up scheduled tasks
$time= time();
$next= $continuation= [];
foreach ($this->tasks as $i => $task) {
$next[$i]= $time + $task[0];

$null= null;
$sockets= $this->select[0]->kind();
$readable= $writeable= $waitable= $write= [];
$sockets= $errors= null;
do {

// Build array of sockets that we want to check for data. If one of them
// has disconnected in the meantime, notify the listeners (socket will be
// already invalid at that time) and remove it from the clients list.
$read= [];
foreach ($this->select as $i => $socket) {
if (!$socket->isConnected() || $socket->eof()) {
if ($f= $this->handle[$i][1] ?? null) $f($socket);
unset($this->select[$i], $this->handle[$i], $next[$i], $continuation[$i]);
$time= microtime(true);
$wait= [];
foreach ($this->continuation as $i => $continuation) {
if (null !== $continuation->next && $continuation->next >= $time) {
$wait[]= $continuation->next - $time;

// Do not re-enter handler as long as we have a continuation
if (isset($continuation[$i])) continue;
} else if (isset($this->tasks[$i])) {
$execute= $continuation->continue($this->tasks[$i]);
} else if (isset($readable[$i]) || isset($writeable[$i]) || isset($waitable[$i])) {
$execute= $continuation->continue($this->select[$i]);
if (null !== $continuation->next) $continuation->next= $time;
unset($readable[$i], $writeable[$i], $waitable[$i]);
} else {
isset($write[$i]) ? $writeable[$i]= $this->select[$i] : $readable[$i]= $this->select[$i];
if (null === $continuation->next) continue;

// Handle timeouts manually instead of leaving this up to the sockets
// themselves - the latter has proven not to be 100% reliable.
if (isset($next[$i]) && $next[$i] <= $time) {
if ($f= $this->handle[$i][2] ?? null) {
$f($socket, new SocketTimeoutException('Timed out', $socket->getTimeout()));
unset($this->select[$i], $this->handle[$i], $next[$i], $continuation[$i]);
// Check if the socket has timed out...
$idle= $time - $continuation->next;
$timeout= $this->select[$i]->getTimeout();
if ($idle < $timeout) {
$wait[]= $timeout - $idle;
$next[$i]= $time + $socket->getTimeout();

// ...and if so, throw an exception, allowing the continuation to handle it.
$execute= $continuation->throw($this->select[$i], new SocketTimeoutException('Timed out', $timeout));
$continuation->next= $time;
unset($readable[$i], $writeable[$i]);

$read[$i]= $socket;
// echo '* SELECT ([', implode(', ', array_keys($next)), '] -> ', $next ? max(0, min($next) - $time) : null, ")\n";
$sockets->select($read, $null, $null, $next ? max(0, min($next) - $time) : null);

// Run scheduled tasks, recording their next run immediately thereafter
$time= time();
foreach ($this->tasks as $i => $task) {
if ($next[$i] <= $time) {
$n= $task[1]();
if ($n < 0) {
unset($this->tasks[$i], $next[$i]);
} else {
$next[$i]= $time + ($n ?? $task[0]);
// Check whether execution has finished
if (null === $execute) {
unset($this->tasks[$i], $this->select[$i], $this->continuation[$i], $write[$i]);

// There is data on the server socket (meaning a client connection is
// waiting to be socket), or on any of the other sockets, so we'll call
// into their respective data handler. If a generator is returned,
// schedule its continuation for the next possible point.
foreach ($read as $i => $socket) {
try {
$r= $this->handle[$i][0]($socket);
if ($r instanceof \Generator && $r->valid()) {
$continuation[$i]= $r;
$task= $this->schedule(0, function() use(&$continuation, $i) {
try {
if (($c= $continuation[$i] ?? null) && $c->valid()) {
} catch (SocketException $t) {
if ($f= $this->handle[$i][2] ?? null) $f($this->select[$i], $t);

return -1;
$next[$task]= $time;
// `yield 'accept' => $socket`: Check for being able to read from socket
// `yield 'read' => $_`: Continue as soon as the socket becomes readable
// `yield 'write' => $_`: Continue as soon as the socket becomes writeable
// `yield 'delay' => $millis`: Wait a specified number of milliseconds
// `yield`: Continue at the next possible execution slot (`delay => 0`)
switch ($execute->key()) {
case 'accept':
$socket= $execute->current();
$readable[array_key_last($this->select)]= $socket;
$readable[$i]= $this->select[$i];
$wait[]= $socket->getTimeout();

$next[$i]= $time + $socket->getTimeout();
} catch (Throwable $t) {
if ($f= $this->handle[$i][2] ?? null) $f($socket, $t);
case 'write':
$write[$i]= true;
$writeable[$i]= $this->select[$i];
$wait[]= $this->select[$i]->getTimeout();

case 'read':
$readable[$i]= $this->select[$i];
$wait[]= $this->select[$i]->getTimeout();

case 'delay': default:
$delay= $execute->current() / 1000;
$continuation->next= $time + $delay;
$waitable[$i]= true;
$wait[]= $delay;

$time= time();
} while (!$this->terminate);
// When asked to terminate, close sockets in reverse order
if ($this->terminate) {
for ($i= array_key_last($this->select); $i > 0; $i--) {
isset($this->select[$i]) && $this->select[$i]->close();

// Close all accepted sockets first, then the listening sockets
for ($i= sizeof($this->select) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($f= $this->handle[$i][1] ?? null) $f($this->select[$i]);
if ($this->select) {
// echo date('H:i:s'), " SELECT ", \util\Objects::stringOf($wait), " @ {\n",
// " R: ", \util\Objects::stringOf($readable), "\n",
// " W: ", \util\Objects::stringOf($writeable), "\n",
// "}\n";
$sockets ?? $sockets= current($this->select)->kind();
$sockets->select($readable, $writeable, $errors, $wait ? min($wait) : null);
} else {
// echo date('H:i:s'), " SLEEP ", \util\Objects::stringOf($wait), "\n";
$wait && usleep(1000000 * (int)min($wait));
} while ($this->select || $this->tasks);

Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/main/php/peer/server/Continuation.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<?php namespace peer\server;

* Continuable coroutine. Not a public API!
* @see peer.server.AsyncServer
class Continuation {
private $function;
private $continuation= null;
public $next;

/** @param function(var): Generator $function */
public function __construct($function) {
$this->function= $function;
$this->next= microtime(true) - 1;

* Continue executing
* @param var $arg
* @return ?Generator
public function continue($arg) {
if (null === $this->continuation) {
$this->continuation= ($this->function)($arg);
} else {

return $this->continuation->valid() ? $this->continuation : $this->continuation= null;

* Throw an exception into the execution flow
* @param var $arg
* @param Throwable $t
* @return ?Generator
public function throw($arg, $t) {
if (null === $this->continuation) {
$this->continuation= ($this->function)($arg);

return $this->continuation->valid() ? $this->continuation : $this->continuation= null;