Andrzej Wodecki
February 7th, 2019
The goal of the project is to train two Agents to bounce a ball over a net in the Tennis environment provided by Unity Environments. After training they should be able to play for a longer time without having the ball hit the ground or fall out of bounds.
The state space has 8 variables like the position and velocity of the ball and racket, and each agent receives it's own, local observations.
The action space consists of 2 continuos actions: a movement (toward or away from the net) and jumping.
This is episodic environment. It is considered solved when agents get an average score of +0.5 over 100 consecutive episodes, with the score beeing the maximum of the scores of both agents.
First, you will need the Tennis Environment provided by Unity - the simplest way is to follow the instruction provided by Udacity and available here.
You will also need a set of python packages installed, including jupyter, numpy and pytorch. All are provided within UDACITY "drlnd" environment: follow the instructions provided eg. here. Specifically, create and activate a new environment with Python 3.6:
conda create --name drlnd python=3.6
source activate drlnd
Finally, you should have an agent simulator be installed: for Linux: click here, for Mac OSX: click here and for Windows (64-bit): click here.
The structure of the code is the following:
- is the main code. Here all the parameters are read, training procedures called and the results written to the appropriate files and folders.
- stores all the hyper parameters - the structure of this file is presented in more details in the Hyperparameter grid search section of the
- all the results are stored in (see Hyperparameter grid search section of the
- results.txt file
- models/ subdirectory.
To run the code:
- Specify hyperparameters in the Be careful: too many parameters may results with a very long computation time!
- run the code by typing: python
- ... and check results: both on the screen and in the output files/folders.