Add global P2P support. Thanks to @d-strat
Add new "GRE tunnel scan" detections.
Add the option to enable/disable local and online whitelists from slips.yaml.
Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP outside of local network" detection. Slips now doesn't alert on DNS servers outside of local network.
Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP" detection when the connection is DHCP.
Fix false positive "Device changing IP" detection alerting about special IPs.
Fix false positive "Invalid DNS answer" detection alerting about .arpa domains.
Fix false positive "non-HTTP established connection on port 80".
Fix false positive "non-SSL established connection on port 443".
Improve "Connection to unknown port" detections. Now the threat level depends on the flow state.
Improve "DNS without connection" evidence. Slips now only detects when the query type is A or AAAA.
Improve the description of malicious flow by MLflowdetection module.
Improve the detections of the MLflowdetection module.
Improve the existing "GRE tunnel" detections.
Improve whitelists: Slips is now whitelisting CNAME, SNI, related queries, and DNS resolutions of attackers and victims.
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