Releases: stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS
Releases · stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS
- Add global P2P support. Thanks to @d-strat
- Add new "GRE tunnel scan" detections.
- Add the option to enable/disable local and online whitelists from slips.yaml.
- Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP outside of local network" detection. Slips now doesn't alert on DNS servers outside of local network.
- Fix false positive "Connection to a private IP" detection when the connection is DHCP.
- Fix false positive "Device changing IP" detection alerting about special IPs.
- Fix false positive "Invalid DNS answer" detection alerting about .arpa domains.
- Fix false positive "non-HTTP established connection on port 80".
- Fix false positive "non-SSL established connection on port 443".
- Improve "Connection to unknown port" detections. Now the threat level depends on the flow state.
- Improve "DNS without connection" evidence. Slips now only detects when the query type is A or AAAA.
- Improve the description of malicious flow by MLflowdetection module.
- Improve the detections of the MLflowdetection module.
- Improve the existing "GRE tunnel" detections.
- Improve whitelists: Slips is now whitelisting CNAME, SNI, related queries, and DNS resolutions of attackers and victims.
- 3x speedup of the profiler process responsible for analyzing the given flows.
- Fix false positive "connection without DNS" detection.
- Fix false positive "DNS without connection" detection.
- Fix problem parsing Suricata DNS flows.
- Fix problem using threat intelligence feeds from cache even if they are not present in the given config file.
- Fix regex warning when starting Slips. Special thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- Fix Tranco whitelists.
- Improve "Incompatible CN" detection.
- Improve "Invalid DNS answer" detection.
- Improve unit tests. Special thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- Improve whitelisting by checking if the SNI of each evidence is whitelisted or not.
- Update the license used.
- 200x times speedup of domain lookups in the threat intelligence module.
- Add a threat level and confidence to each alert.
- Add evidence for CN and hostname mismatch in SSL flows.
- Add multiple telnet reconnection attempts detection.
- Add support to IP ranges as the client_ip in slips.yaml
- Alert "invalid DNS answer" on all private DNS answers.
- Don't alert "high entropy TXT answers" for flows from multicast IPs.
- Fix multiple reconnection attempts detection.
- Fix problem downloading the latest MAC database from
- Improve the detection of the Gateway IP and MAC when running on files and PCAPs.
- Improve unit tests. Special thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- Split the "connection to/from blacklisted IPs" detection into two different evidence with different threat levels.
- Update Slips internal list of Apple known ports.
- Fix changing the used database in the web interface.
- Reduce false positive evidence about malicious downloaded files.
- Fix datetime errors when running on an interface.
- Improve the detection of "DNS without connection".
- Add support for a light Slips docker image.
- Enhance Slips shutdown process for smoother operations.
- Optimize resource management in Slips, resolving issues with lingering threads in memory.
- Remove the progress bar; Slips now provides regular statistical updates.
- Improve unit testing—special thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- Drop support for macOS, P2P, and platform-specific Docker images. A unified Docker image is now available for all platforms.
- Correct the number of evidence reported in statistics.
- Fix incorrect end date reported in metadata/info.txt upon analysis completion.
- Print more information to CLI on Slips startup, including network details, client IP, thresholds used, and more.
- Reduce false positives from Spamhaus by looking up inbound traffic only.
- Speed up horizontal port scan detections.
- Enhance logging of IDMEF errors.
- Resolve issues with the accumulated threat level reported in alerts.json.
- Add a relation between related evidence in alerts.json
- Better unit tests. Thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash
- Discontinued MacOS m1 docker images, P2p images, and slips dependencies image.
- Fix the problem of the progress bar stopping before analysis is done, causing Slips to freeze when analyzing large PCAPs.
- Improve how Slips recognizes the current host IP.
- Increase the speed of the Flowalerts module by changing how Slips checks for DNS servers.
- Major code improvements.
- Remove redundant keys from the Redis database.
- Remove unused keys from the Redis database.
- Use IDMEFv2 format in alerts.json instead of IDEA0.
- Wait for modules to finish 1 week by default.
- Better unit tests. Thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- Fix Slips installation script at install/
- Fix the issue of the flowalerts module not analyzing all given conn.log flows.
- Fix the Zeek warning caused by one of the loaded Zeek scripts.
- Improve how Slips validates domains taken from TI feeds.
- Improve whitelists.
- Update Python dependencies.
- Better handling of connections to the Redis database.
- Update Python version to 3.10.12 and all the Python libraries used by Slips.
- Update nodejs and Zeek.
- Improve the stopping of Slips. Modules now have more time to process flows.
- Fix database unit tests overwriting redis configuration file.
- New configuration file format, Slips is now using YAML thanks to @patel-lay.
- Better unit tests. thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash.
- GitHub workflow improvements.
- Fix the RNN module and add a new model.
- Horizontal port scan detection improvements.
- Add a Parameter to export strato letters to re-train the RNN model.
- Better organization of flowalerts module by splitting it into many specialized files.
- Better unit tests. thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash
- Disable "Connection without DNS resolution" evidence to DNS servers.
- Fix displaying "Failed" as the protocol name in the web interface when reading Suricata flows.
- Fix problem reversing source and destination addresses in JA3 evidence description.
- Improve CI by using more parallelization.
- Improve non-SSL and non-HTTP detections by making sure that the sum of bytes sent and received is zero.
- Improve RNN evidence description, now it's more clear which IP is the botnet, and which is the C&C server.
- Improve some threat levels of evidence to reduce false positives.
- Improve whitelists. Better matching, more domains added, reduced false positives.
- More minimal Slips notifications, now Slips displays the alert description instead of all evidence in the alert.
- The port of the web interface is now configurable in slips.conf
- Improve whitelists by better matching of ASNs, domains, and organizations.
- Whitelist Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, and Google alerts by default to reduce false positives.
- Better unit tests. Thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash
- Speed up port scan detections.
- Fix the issue of overwriting Redis configuration file every run.
- Add more info to metadata/info.txt for each run.