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daftpwner edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the esp32_robot_driver wiki!

Workspace Setup

The first step to contributing is workspace setup. While alternative setups can accomplish the same thing, it is recommended to start with this template. This ensures fellow team members have identical setups and can assist with any issues and problems associated with setting up the environment to actually develop for the ESP32.

Atom editor

The editor used is Atom. This text editor is extremely extensible and will allow addons targeted specifically to embedded development to be installed on top of it, resulting in a well-integrated working environment.

Download and install the appropriate version for your OS at the above link.


Instead of the simpler Arduino IDE, the PlatformIO extension for Atom offers a larger and more versatile development environment that still uses the underlying Arduino bootloader and software framework. This allows the use of Arduino's excellent third-party libraries and simplifying syntax while overcoming the simplicity of the Arduino IDE.

To install PlatformIO, follow the instructions here.

GitKraken (optional)

Basic Git and Github integration is already native to Atom. However, it is somewhat simplistic. GitKraken, as a standalone Git gui, is has more functionality, specifically Git Flow macros, natively. This makes the sometimes complicated Git branch management of Git Flow much easier. GitKraken also makes cherry-picking specific lines to commit easier, encouraging a more clear Git history.

These features aren't strictly necessary and the Atom Git/Github integration is sufficient, with some extra time spent familiarizing. If you do want to install GitKraken, it can be found here.

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