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Update package dependencies. Add relative orbit transforms. Fix broke…
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duncaneddy committed Jan 28, 2020
1 parent ffcfbd7 commit e933437
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Showing 4 changed files with 308 additions and 10 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Manifest.toml
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Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ version = "0.8.10"

deps = ["Base64", "Dates", "DelimitedFiles", "Distributed", "InteractiveUtils", "LibGit2", "Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "Markdown", "Mmap", "Pkg", "Printf", "REPL", "Random", "Serialization", "SharedArrays", "Sockets", "SparseArrays", "Statistics", "Test", "UUIDs", "Unicode"]
git-tree-sha1 = "84aa74986c5b9b898b0d1acaf3258741ee64754f"
git-tree-sha1 = "ed2c4abadf84c53d9e58510b5fc48912c2336fbb"
uuid = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
version = "2.1.0"
version = "2.2.0"

deps = ["Printf"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ uuid = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"

deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random", "Statistics"]
git-tree-sha1 = "db23bbf50064c582b6f2b9b043c8e7e98ea8c0c6"
git-tree-sha1 = "1085ffbf5fd48fdba64ef8e902ca429c4e1212d3"
uuid = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
version = "0.11.0"
version = "0.11.1"

deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"]
Expand Down
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions src/relative_orbits.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
# RTN | LVLH #

export rRTNtoECI
export rECItoRTN

Compute the radial, along-track, cross-track (RTN) to Earth-centered inertial
rotation matrix. If applied to a position vector in the RTN frame, it will
transform that vector to into the equivalent position vector in the ECI frame.
The RTN frame is also commonly refered to as the local-vertical, local-horizontal (LVLH) frame.
- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `R_rtn2eci::SMatrix{3,3}`: Rotation matrix transforming _from_ the RTN frame _to_ the ECI frame
function rRTNtoECI(x::AbstractVector{<:Real})
r = x[idx1t3]
v = x[idx4t6]
n = cross(r, v)

R = normalize(r)
N = normalize(n)
T = cross(N, R)

R_rtn2eci = hcat(R, T, N)

return R_rtn2eci

Compute the Earth-centered inertial to radial, along-track, cross-track (RTN)
rotation matrix. If applied to a position vector in the ECI frame, it will
transform that vector into the equivalent position vector in the RTN frame.
The RTN frame is also commonly refered to as the local-vertical, local-horizontal (LVLH) frame.
- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `R_eci2rtn::SMatrix{3,3}`: Rotation matrix transforming _from_ the ECI frame _to_ the RTN frame
function rECItoRTN(x::AbstractVector{<:Real})
r = x[idx1t3]
v = x[idx4t6]
n = cross(r, v)

R = normalize(r)
N = normalize(n)
T = cross(N, R)

R_eci2rtn = hcat(R, T, N)'

return R_eci2rtn

export sECItoRTN
Compute the radial, along-track, cross-track (RTN) coordinates of a target satellite in the primary satellites RTN frame.
The RTN frame is also commonly refered to as the local-vertical, local-horizontal (LVLH) frame.
- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xt::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of the target satellite
- `xrtn::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Position and velocity of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sECItoRTN(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xt::AbstractVector{<:Real})
if length(xt) >= 6
return sECItoRTN(x, xt[idx1t6])
return sECItoRTN(x, xt[idx1t3])

- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xt::SVector{3,<:Real}`: Inertial state (position) of the target satellite
- `xrtn::SVector{3,<:Real}`: Position of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sECItoRTN(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xt::SVector{3,<:Real})
# Create RTN rotation matrix
R_eci2rtn = rECItoRTN(x)

# Transform Position
r = x[idx1t3]
rho = xt[idx1t3] - r
r_rtn = R_eci2rtn*rho

return r_rtn

- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xt::SVector{6,<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of the target satellite
- `xrtn::SVector{6,<:Real}`: Position and velocity of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sECItoRTN(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xt::SVector{6,<:Real})
# Create RTN rotation matrix
R_eci2rtn = rECItoRTN(x)

# Transform Position
r = x[idx1t3]
rho = xt[idx1t3] - r
r_rtn = R_eci2rtn*rho

v = x[idx4t6]
f_dot = norm(cross(r, v)) / norm(r)^2
omega = SVector(0, 0, f_dot)
rho_dot = xt[idx4t6] - v
v_rtn = R_eci2rtn*rho_dot - cross(omega, r_rtn)

return vcat(r_rtn, v_rtn)

export sRTNtoECI
Compute the Earth-center
The RTN frame is also commonly refered to as the local-vertical, local-horizontal (LVLH) frame.
- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xrtn::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of the target satellite
- `xt::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Position and velocity of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sRTNtoECI(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xrtn::AbstractVector{<:Real})
if length(xrtn) >= 6
return sRTNtoECI(x, xrtn[idx1t6])
return sRTNtoECI(x, xrtn[idx1t3])

- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xrtn::SVector{3,<:Real}`: Inertial state (position) of the target satellite
- `xt::SVector{3,<:Real}`: Position of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sRTNtoECI(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xrtn::SVector{3,<:Real})
# Create RTN rotation matrix
R_rtn2eci = rRTNtoECI(x)

# Transform position
r = x[idx1t3]
r_t = R_rtn2eci*xrtn + r

return r_t

- `x::AbstractVector{<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of primary (observing) satellite
- `xrtn::SVector{6,<:Real}`: Inertial state (position and velocity) of the target satellite
- `xt::SVector{6,<:Real}`: Position and velocity of the target relative of the observing satellite in the RTN.
function sRTNtoECI(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, xrtn::SVector{6,<:Real})
# Create RTN rotation matrix
R_rtn2eci = rRTNtoECI(x)

# Transform position
r = x[idx1t3]
r_rtn = xrtn[idx1t3]
r_t = R_rtn2eci*r_rtn + r

# Transform velocity
v = x[idx4t6]
v_rtn = xrtn[idx4t6]
f_dot = norm(cross(r, v)) / norm(r)^2
omega = SVector(0, 0, f_dot)
v_t = R_rtn2eci*(v_rtn + cross(omega, r_rtn)) + v

return vcat(r_t, v_t)

# ROE #

Convert Keplerian relative orbital element state to ROE relative state
function sOSCtoROE(oe_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, oe_d::SVector{6,<:Real})

Convert ROE relative state and chief relative orbital elements and return
osculating orbital elements
function sROEtoOSC(oe_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, roe_d::SVector{6,<:Real})

Convert inertial states to relative orbital element
function sECItoROE(x_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, x_d::SVector{6,<:Real})

Convert ROE relative state and chief absolute inertial state and return
osculating orbital elements
function sROEtoECI(x_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, roe_d::SVector{6,<:Real})

Convert RTN state and chief absolute inertial state and return relative
orbital element state
function sRTNtoROE(x_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, rtn_d::SVector{6,<:Real})

Covert relative orbital element state and chief inertial state and return
RTN state.
function sROEtoRTN(x_c::SVector{6,<:Real}, roe_d::SVector{6,<:Real})
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions test/test_coordinates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -315,12 +315,15 @@ let
azel_enz = sENZtoAZEL(enz, use_degrees=true)
azel_sez = sSEZtoAZEL(sez, use_degrees=true)

@test azel_enz[1] == azel_sez[1]
@test azel_enz[2] == azel_sez[2]
@test azel_enz[3] == azel_sez[3]
@test azel_enz[4] == azel_sez[4]
@test azel_enz[5] == azel_sez[5]
@test azel_enz[6] == azel_sez[6]

tol = 1e-7
@test isapprox(azel_enz[1], azel_sez[1], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(azel_enz[2], azel_sez[2], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(azel_enz[3], azel_sez[3], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(azel_enz[4], azel_sez[4], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(azel_enz[5], azel_sez[5], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(azel_enz[6], azel_sez[6], atol=tol)


Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions test/test_relative_orbits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
epc = Epoch(2018,1,1,12,0,0)

a = R_EARTH + 500e3
oe = [a, 0, 0, 0, 0, sqrt(GM_EARTH/a)]
eci = sOSCtoCART(oe, use_degrees=true)

r_rtn = rRTNtoECI(eci)
r_rtn_t = rECItoRTN(eci)

r = r_rtn * r_rtn_t

tol = 1e-8
@test isapprox(r[1, 1], 1.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[1, 2], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[1, 3], 0.0, atol=tol)

@test isapprox(r[2, 1], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[2, 2], 1.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[2, 3], 0.0, atol=tol)

@test isapprox(r[3, 1], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[3, 2], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(r[3, 3], 1.0, atol=tol)

epc = Epoch(2018,1,1,12,0,0)

oe = [R_EARTH + 500e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
eci = sOSCtoCART(oe, use_degrees=true)

xt = deepcopy(eci) + [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

x_rtn = sECItoRTN(eci, xt)

tol = 1e-8
@test isapprox(x_rtn[1], 100.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(x_rtn[2], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(x_rtn[3], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(x_rtn[4], 0.0, atol=tol)
@test isapprox(x_rtn[5], 0.0, atol=0.5)
@test isapprox(x_rtn[6], 0.0, atol=tol)

xt2 = sRTNtoECI(eci, x_rtn)

@test isapprox(xt[1], xt2[1], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(xt[2], xt2[2], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(xt[3], xt2[3], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(xt[4], xt2[4], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(xt[5], xt2[5], atol=tol)
@test isapprox(xt[6], xt2[6], atol=tol)

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