A PyTorch implementation of the article, presented at CVPR 2018.
This work considers the well-known problem of single image depth estimation. We implement the Depth Estimation Network (DEN), Depth-Balanced Euclidean (DBE) loss and the Fourier Domain Combination (FDC) model of the original paper in PyTorch. At the time of writing this poster, it had provided state-of-the-art performance. Since then, few papers outperformed the proposed algorithm slightly but it is still one of the top algorithms in the comparison tables.
Base on ResNet-152, where its last 19 ResNet blocks are modified
to extract intermediate features. All the extracted intermediate features are concatenated and fed into a fully connected layer to obtain the estimated depth map.
A modification of the commonly used Euclidean loss, which helps to more relaibly estimate shallow depths, as well as deep depths.
Depth map candidates are generated using the Deep Estimation Network. By cropping each image in different ratios we get a batch of candidates, Transform the candidates to the frequency with the 2D DFT, and finally, Linearly combine the frequency maps to a single one. We then apply the inverse 2D DFT to obtain the final estimated depth map.
- Python 3
- PyTorch 1.0.0
- TorchVision 0.2.1
You can install all the requirements in a virtual environment as follows
$ python -m pip install --user denenv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For a quick implementation, download the slim NYU V2 dataset (.mat file), place it in the data directory and run the converter script to parse the file into RGB images and depth maps.
$ mkdir data/nyu_v2/
$ wget http://horatio.cs.nyu.edu/mit/silberman/nyu_depth_v2/nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat
$ mv nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat ./data/nyu_v2/
$ python converter.py
$ run.py
Implement in your code as follows
import torch
from den import DEN
den = DEN()
author = {Jae-Han Lee and Minhyeok Heo and Kyung-Rae Kim and Shih-En Wei and Chang-Su Kim},
booktitle = {CVPR},
title = {Single-Image Depth Estimation Based on Fourier Domain Analysis},
year = {2018}