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Releases: rero/rero-ils


04 Sep 16:14
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This patch brings several improvements and fixes on the notification process:

  • Preventing to repeatedly send notifications that are in an error state.
  • Preventing notifications to be in an error state if the pickup location is deleted.
  • Cancelling generated notifications if the situation changed between the generation and the processing. Indeed, some notifications are
    asynchronous in order to be able to group several notifications of the same type to the same patron. But in the meantime, the notification
    may be outdated, because the loan has been renewed or checked in.
  • Preventing to send reminders if the library is closed between the due date and the notification processing (#2303).
  • Computing the date at which the due soon notification has to be sent when creating the loan, instead of through a recurring task, in order to improve performance and apply a more stable date.
  • Processing due soon and overdue notifications as soon as possible, to prevent sending them after the loan is either renewed or checked in.

Several bug fixes have been added to this patch. Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


26 Aug 16:46
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This patch improves the mechanism of error login for the selfcheck machines and notifications process to improve the diagnostic of issues and its resolution. Other issues on notification are also solved:

  • Improvement of readability of the groupes notifications (#2247).
  • Availability notification sent to the wrong recipient (#2300).
  • The link to the patron account should redirect to a login page if the user is not authentified (#2282).
  • The library name is displayed in the notifications instead of the pickup library name when the location is not a pickup location anymore, or not available.

Other issues are solved on the SRU queries and on the display of items on the document detailed view.

Finally, the support of loan listing, even if linked items or documents are deleted, is supported.

Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


23 Aug 12:37
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Several bug fixes have been added to this patch. Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


22 Jul 15:28
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This patch mainly fixes notification issues signaled on the production server:

  • Some notifications aren't sent to the patron when he or she has no primary e-mail, but e-mail as the communication channel. This is often the case with children that have the parent e-mail in the additional e-mail address field (#2152).
  • In the notifications that should be sent to the patron by mail, the address block was missing (#2188).
  • In the booking notification, the patron information that were displayed were the ones of the patron that is checking in the item, instead of the patron that is requesting it (#2197).
  • Request notifications on item that have a temporary circulation category with a negative availability should not be sent (#2191).

Several bug fixes have been added to this patch. Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


20 Jul 15:50
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This patch is a fix for the precedent one (v1.4.4), that broke the display of items on the document detailed view. In the same move, some improvements have been added to the document detailed view of the professional and public interface:

  • Collapses the holdings by default, except when there's only one item in it (#2133).
  • Loads at least 10 holdings, as they are now collapsed. Then loads holdings 10 by 10 (#2134).

Several bug fixes have been added to this patch. Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


19 Jul 18:32
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The main purpose of this patch is to improve overall performances by optimizing the facet computation, which consume lots of CPU resources as the production server of RERO ILS has lots of documents with lots of fields:

  • Fixes the extra API request on the public search page (#1970), that alone improves the performance by 2.
  • Prevents to compute facets on the search suggestion queries, as they aren't used at all.
  • Computes only the expanded facet on the public search (document type) and computes the other facets only if the user expands it.
  • Prevents to launch an empty search for lists such as users or documents in the professional interface, as the user will always type a specific query, thus spare CPU resources for bette use.

Several bug fixes have been added to this patch. Find the comprehensive changes in the changelog.


15 Jul 19:15
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This patch resolves several issues on notifications, spotted on the production server:

  • Request notification is sent to the pickup location instead of the owning library; furthermore, when a recall notification has already been sent, no request should be sent.
  • Sometimes booking notifications are not sent.

Find the comprehensive release note on the RELEASE-NOTES.rst file:


14 Jul 15:54
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This patch occurs after the 🚀 go-live 🚀. It resolves the most urgent issues signaled by librarians, mainly on the request validation interface and with notifications.

Find the comprehensive release note on the RELEASE-NOTES.rst file:


09 Jul 13:46
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Find the comprehensive release note on the RELEASE-NOTES.rst file:


07 Jul 15:38
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This release mainly fixes issues and adds enhancements to prepare the 🚀 go-live that is scheduled to the 12th of July 2021 🚀. A new feature is added that allows a system administrator to fetch the usage statistics of a live instance 📊 . The release notes are available at the following address:

The comprehensive changes are available in the changelog.