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Releases: railgunlabs/unicorn

Unicorn v1.0.5

18 Feb 21:09
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Fixed a bug where functions that populate a character buffer (e.g. uni_norm or uni_caseconv) would fail to null-terminate it. This bug only occurred when the UNI_NULIFY flag was specified, the buffer capacity was a single code unit in size, and it was already populated with a non-null character by the implementation.

Unicorn v1.0.4

27 Jan 20:39
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This release corrects some minor MISRA violations related to integer signedness in the programmatically generated Unicode data tables. These changes do not affect the behavior of the library. They only further strengthen MISRA conformance.

Unicorn v1.0.3

19 Jan 23:54
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Unicorn is now conformant with all four MISRA C:2012 amendments. If you believe there is a MISRA violation that is not a documented deviation, then please report it here.

Unicorn v1.0.2

18 Dec 07:43
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Correcting all additional MISRA C violations discovered by external static analysis tools. If you believe there is a MISRA violation that is not a documented deviation, then please report it here.

Unicorn v1.0.1

16 Dec 23:56
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Correcting violations of MISRA Rules 7.2 and 8.3 that the open source release of Cppcheck did not catch. Credit for catching these violations goes to NaiveSystems Analyze. All remaining violations will be corrected in the coming days.

Unicorn v1.0.0

14 Dec 06:27
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The initial release of Unicorn. It includes the following Unicode algorithms:

  • Normalization
  • Case mapping
  • Collation
  • Segmentation
  • BOCU-1 string compression
  • UTF-8, 16, and 32 iterators and validators