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Merge pull request #98: Use cross-compilation where possible
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victorlin authored Jun 23, 2023
2 parents 885670f + d6f39af commit 86dea43
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Showing 6 changed files with 216 additions and 92 deletions.
210 changes: 147 additions & 63 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,44 @@
# This is a multi-stage image build.
# We first create a "builder" image and then create our final image by copying
# things from the builder image. The point is to avoid bloating the final
# image with tools only needed during the image build.
# We first create two builder images (builder-build-platform,
# builder-target-platform). Then we create our final image by copying things
# from the builder images. The point is to avoid bloating the final image with
# tools only needed during the image build.

# First build the temporary image.
FROM python:3.10-slim-bullseye AS builder
# Setup: pull cross-compilation tools.
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM tonistiigi/xx AS xx

# ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— #

# Define a builder stage that runs on the build platform.
# Even if the target platform is different, instructions will run natively for
# faster compilation.
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM debian:11-slim AS builder-build-platform

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-e", "-u", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]

# Copy cross-compilation tools.
COPY --from=xx / /

# Add system deps for building
# autoconf, automake: for building VCFtools; may be used by package managers to build from source
# build-essential: contains gcc, g++, make, etc. for building various tools; may be used by package managers to build from source
# ca-certificates: for secure HTTPS connections
# curl: for downloading source files
# git: for git pip installs
# jq: used in builder-scripts/latest-augur-release-tag
# libsqlite3-dev: for building pyfastx (for Augur)
# git: used in builder-scripts/download-repo
# make: used for building from Makefiles (search for usage); may be used by package managers to build from source
# pkg-config: for building VCFtools; may be used by package managers to build from source
# zlib1g-dev: for building VCFtools and pyfastx; may be used by package managers to build from source
# nodejs: for installing Auspice
# clang: for compiling C/C++ projects; may be used by package managers to build from source
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
autoconf \
automake \
build-essential \
clang \
ca-certificates \
curl \
git \
jq \
libsqlite3-dev \
make \
pkg-config \

# Install a specific Node.js version
Expand All @@ -42,6 +50,18 @@ ARG TARGETPLATFORM

# Install packages that generate binaries for the target architecture.
# binutils, gcc, libc6-dev: for compiling C/C++ programs (TODO: verify)
# g++: for building VCFtools; may be used by package managers to build from source
# zlib1g-dev: for building VCFtools; may be used by package managers to build from source
RUN xx-apt-get install -y \
binutils \
gcc \
g++ \
libc6-dev \

# Add dependencies. All should be pinned to specific versions, except
# Nextstrain-maintained software.
# This includes pathogen-specific workflow dependencies. Since we only maintain a
Expand All @@ -57,27 +77,31 @@ RUN mkdir -p /final/bin /final/share /final/libexec
# 1. Build programs from source

# Build RAxML
# linux/arm64 does not support -mavx and -msse3 compilation flags which are used in the official repository.
# Make these changes in a fork for now:
# Some changes are necessary to allow the Makefile to work with cross-compilation.
# Make these changes in a fork for now:
# TODO: Use the official repository if this PR is ever merged:
RUN curl -fsSL \
RUN curl -fsSL \
| tar xzvpf - --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 \
&& make -f Makefile.AVX.PTHREADS.gcc \
&& CC=xx-clang make -f Makefile.AVX.PTHREADS.gcc \
&& cp -p raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX /final/bin

# Build FastTree
WORKDIR /build/FastTree
RUN curl -fsSL \
RUN curl -fsSL \
| tar xzvpf - --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 \
&& make FastTreeDblMP \
&& CC=$(xx-info)-gcc make FastTreeDblMP \
&& cp -p FastTreeDblMP /final/bin

# Build vcftools
# Some unreleased changes are necessary to allow Autoconf to work with cross-compilation¹.
# ¹
WORKDIR /build/vcftools
RUN curl -fsSL \
| tar xzvpf - --no-same-owner --strip-components=2 \
&& ./configure --prefix=$PWD/built \
RUN curl -fsSL \
| tar xzvpf - --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 \
&& ./ && ./configure --prefix=$PWD/built \
--build=$(TARGETPLATFORM= xx-clang --print-target-triple) \
--host=$(xx-clang --print-target-triple) \
&& make && make install \
&& cp -rp built/bin/* /final/bin \
&& cp -rp built/share/* /final/share
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +169,89 @@ RUN curl -fsSL
| tar xjvpf - --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -C /final/bin minimap2-2.24_x64-linux/minimap2

# 3. Install programs via pip
# 3. Add unpinned programs

# Allow caching to be avoided from here on out in this stage by calling
# docker build --build-arg CACHE_DATE="$(date)"
# NOTE: All versioned software added below should be checked in
# devel/validate-platforms.

# Add helper scripts
COPY builder-scripts/ /builder-scripts/

# Nextclade/Nextalign v2 are downloaded directly but using the latest version,
# so they belong after CACHE_DATE (unlike Nextclade/Nextalign v1).

# Download Nextalign v2
# Set default Nextalign version to 2
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/nextalign2$(/builder-scripts/target-triple) \
&& ln -sv nextalign2 /final/bin/nextalign

# Download Nextclade v2
# Set default Nextclade version to 2
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/nextclade2$(/builder-scripts/target-triple) \
&& ln -sv nextclade2 /final/bin/nextclade

# Auspice
# Building auspice means we can run it without hot-reloading, which is
# time-consuming and generally unnecessary in the container image.
# Linking is used so we can overlay the auspice version in the image with
# --volume=.../auspice:/nextstrain/auspice and still have it globally accessible
# and importable.
# Versions of NPM might differ in platform between where Auspice is installed
# and where it is used (the final image). This does not matter since Auspice
# (and its runtime dependencies at the time of writing) are not
# platform-specific.
# This may change in the future, which would call for cross-platform
# installation using npm_config_arch (if using node-gyp¹ or prebuild-install²)
# or npm_config_target_arch (if using node-pre-gyp³⁴).
# ¹
# ²
# ³
# ⁴
WORKDIR /nextstrain/auspice
RUN /builder-scripts/download-repo release . \
&& npm update && npm install && npm run build && npm link

# Add NCBI Datasets command line tools for access to NCBI Datsets Virus Data Packages
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/datasets${TARGETARCH}/datasets
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/dataformat${TARGETARCH}/dataformat

# ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— #

# Define a builder stage that runs on the target platform.
# If the target platform is different from the build platform, instructions will
# run under emulation which can be slower.
# This is in place for Python programs which are not easy to install for a
# different target platform¹.
# ¹
FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM python:3.10-slim-bullseye AS builder-target-platform

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-e", "-u", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]

# Used for platform-specific instructions

# Add system deps for building
# curl, jq: used in builder-scripts/latest-augur-release-tag
# git: for git pip installs
# gcc: for building datrie (for Snakemake)
# libsqlite3-dev, zlib1g-dev: for building pyfastx (for Augur)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
curl \
gcc \
git \
jq \
libsqlite3-dev \

# 1. Install programs via pip

# Install jaxlib on linux/arm64
# jaxlib, an evofr dependency, does not have official pre-built binaries for
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,32 +290,20 @@ RUN pip3 install pysam==0.19.1
# Install pango_aliasor (for forecasts-ncov)
RUN pip3 install pango_aliasor==0.3.0

# 4. Add unpinned programs

# Allow caching to be avoided from here on out by calling
# 2. Add unpinned programs

# Allow caching to be avoided from here on out in this stage by calling
# docker build --build-arg CACHE_DATE="$(date)"
# NOTE: All versioned software added below should be checked in
# devel/validate-platforms.

# Install our own CLI so builds can do things like `nextstrain deploy`
RUN pip3 install nextstrain-cli

# Add helper scripts
COPY builder-scripts/ /builder-scripts/

# Nextclade/Nextalign v2 are downloaded directly but using the latest version,
# so they belong after CACHE_DATE (unlike Nextclade/Nextalign v1).

# Download Nextalign v2
# Set default Nextalign version to 2
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/nextalign2$(/builder-scripts/target-triple) \
&& ln -sv nextalign2 /final/bin/nextalign

# Download Nextclade v2
# Set default Nextclade version to 2
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/nextclade2$(/builder-scripts/target-triple) \
&& ln -sv nextclade2 /final/bin/nextclade
# Install our own CLI so builds can do things like `nextstrain deploy`
RUN pip3 install nextstrain-cli

# Fauna
WORKDIR /nextstrain/fauna
Expand All @@ -225,6 +319,8 @@ RUN pip3 install phylo-treetime
# CVXOPT, an Augur dependency, does not have pre-built binaries for linux/arm64.
# First, add system deps for building¹:
# - gcc: C compiler.
# - libc6-dev: C libraries and header files.
# - libopenblas-dev: Contains optimized versions of BLAS and LAPACK.
# - SuiteSparse: Download the source code so it can be built alongside CVXOPT.
Expand All @@ -236,6 +332,8 @@ RUN pip3 install phylo-treetime
WORKDIR /cvxopt
RUN if [[ "$TARGETPLATFORM" == linux/arm64 ]]; then \
apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
gcc \
libc6-dev \
libopenblas-dev \
&& mkdir SuiteSparse \
&& curl -fsSL \
Expand All @@ -252,24 +350,9 @@ WORKDIR /nextstrain/augur
RUN /builder-scripts/download-repo "$(/builder-scripts/latest-augur-release-tag)" . \
&& pip3 install --editable .

# Auspice
# Install Node deps, build Auspice, and link it into the global search path. A
# fresh install is only ~40 seconds, so we're not worrying about caching these
# as we did the Python deps. Building auspice means we can run it without
# hot-reloading, which is time-consuming and generally unnecessary in the
# container image. Linking is equivalent to an editable Python install and
# used for the same reasons described above.
WORKDIR /nextstrain/auspice
RUN /builder-scripts/download-repo release . \
&& npm update && npm install && npm run build && npm link

# Add evofr for forecasting
RUN pip3 install evofr

# Add NCBI Datasets command line tools for access to NCBI Datsets Virus Data Packages
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/datasets${TARGETARCH}/datasets
RUN curl -fsSL -o /final/bin/dataformat${TARGETARCH}/dataformat

# ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— #

# Now build the final image.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,9 +416,9 @@ RUN if [[ "$TARGETPLATFORM" == linux/arm64 ]]; then \
COPY bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc

# Copy binaries
COPY --from=builder /final/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder /final/share/ /usr/local/share/
COPY --from=builder /final/libexec/ /usr/local/libexec/
COPY --from=builder-build-platform /final/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder-build-platform /final/share/ /usr/local/share/
COPY --from=builder-build-platform /final/libexec/ /usr/local/libexec/

# Set MAFFT_BINARIES explicitly for MAFFT
ENV MAFFT_BINARIES=/usr/local/libexec
Expand All @@ -344,7 +427,7 @@ ENV MAFFT_BINARIES=/usr/local/libexec
RUN chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/libexec/*

# Add installed Python libs
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/
COPY --from=builder-target-platform /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/

# Add installed Python scripts that we need.
Expand All @@ -355,7 +438,7 @@ COPY --from=builder /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ /usr/local/lib/pyth
# as the set of things to copy) in the future if the maintenance burden becomes
# troublesome or excessive.
# -trs, 15 June 2018
COPY --from=builder \
COPY --from=builder-target-platform \
/usr/local/bin/augur \
/usr/local/bin/aws \
/usr/local/bin/envdir \
Expand All @@ -368,7 +451,7 @@ COPY --from=builder \

# Add installed Node libs
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/node_modules/ /usr/lib/node_modules/
COPY --from=builder-build-platform /usr/lib/node_modules/ /usr/lib/node_modules/

# Add globally linked Auspice script.
Expand All @@ -379,7 +462,8 @@ COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/node_modules/ /usr/lib/node_modules/
RUN ln -sv /usr/lib/node_modules/auspice/auspice.js /usr/local/bin/auspice

# Add Nextstrain components
COPY --from=builder /nextstrain /nextstrain
COPY --from=builder-build-platform /nextstrain /nextstrain
COPY --from=builder-target-platform /nextstrain /nextstrain

# Add our entrypoints and helpers
COPY entrypoint entrypoint-aws-batch drop-privs create-envd delete-envd /sbin/
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,9 +109,8 @@ To push images you've built locally to Docker Hub, you can run:
./devel/copy-images -t <tag>
This will copy the `nextstrain/base:<tag>` and `nextstrain/base-builder:<tag>`
images from the local Docker registry to Docker Hub. See instructions at the top
of the script for more options.
This will copy the Nextstrain images from the local Docker registry to Docker
Hub. See instructions at the top of the script for more options.
### Adding a new software program
Expand All @@ -136,12 +135,16 @@ To add a software program to `nextstrain/base`, follow steps in this order:
4. The last resort is to build from source. Look for instructions on the
software's website. Add a build command to the section labeled with `Build
programs from source`. Note that this can require platform-specific
instructions. You should utilize cross-compilation tool available in the
builder stage that runs on the build platform.
If possible, pin the software to a specific version. Otherwise, add the
download/install/build command to the section labeled with `Add unpinned
programs` to ensure the latest version is included in every Docker image build.
If possible, add the program to the builder stage that runs on the build
platform to avoid slowness that may arise from emulation.
### Best practices
The smaller the image size, the better. To this end we build upon a ["slim"
Expand Down

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