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Recursion Cookbook
I'll be using the notation term[focus -> a]
to refer to the type term
, except where every occurrence of focus
is replaced by a
. For example, given a type Stm
syn Stm =
| If {condition : Exp, then : Stm, else : Stm}
| Block {statements : [Stm]}
| VarDecls {declarations : [(Identifier, Exp)]}
We would write Stm[Exp -> a]
syn Stm[Exp -> a] =
| If {condition : a, then : Stm, else : Stm}
| Block {statements : [Stm]}
| VarDecls {declarations : [(Identifier, a)]}
and Stm[Stm -> a]
syn Stm[Stm -> a] =
| If {condition : Exp, then : a, else : a}
| Block {statements : [a]}
| VarDecls {declarations : [(Identifier, Exp)]}
Finally, in the interest of brevity I'll be using some functional psuedo-code for the examples (something close to OCaml I guess) as opposed to mcore, since it's a bit verbose for pattern matching especially.
smap : (a -> b) -> term[focus -> a] -> term[focus -> b]
is for cases where you want to apply exactly the same function to every occurrence of focus
within term
, shallowly.
sfold : (a -> b -> a) -> a -> term[focus -> b] -> a
is for cases where you want to combine values at every focus
ed position, but you don't really care about the internal structure of the term
Possible addition/replacement: saccumMap
that maps over the focused terms while threading an accumulator. More on this at the end of this page if you're interested.
Code written using smap
and sfold
can thus more easily omit the things that don't matter, the boilerplate. Typically you'd write code as normal for the interesting cases, whatever they may be, then use some combination of smap
and sfold
for the rest, most commonly as a single case in a match
As a corollary, if you need to do different things in every case you probably won't get all that much benefit from using smap
and sfold
Concretely in this project smap
and sfold
are implemented manually as semantic functions with names of the form smap_term_focus
and sfold_term_focus
(e.g. smap_Expr_Expr
and sfold_Stm_Expr
). Later on we will want them to be automatically generated and to use some form of ad-hoc polymorphism/overloading.
This section lists a couple of examples where smap
and sfold
are useful, to use as inspiration for solving similar problems. I have attempted to make each example brief, so please add an issue if something is too brief to be understandable.
Here we are traversing an AST replacing names (strings) with integers. We need an environment containing a mapping from names to ints, which is modified by parent AST nodes, i.e., we're passing an environment down the tree. Most nodes will be unchanged, only those pertaining to name binding should be affected. As such the code becomes:
let de_bruijn env tm = match tm with
| Lambda {name, body} =
let body' = de_bruijn (add_name name env) body
in Lambda {name = name, body = body'}
| Var {name} =
Var {name = name, dbidx = lookup_dbidx env name}
| _ = smap (de_bruijn env) tm
Note that all cases that do not affect binding are handled by the last case.
Here we want to collect all the nodes of an AST in a list. We don't really care about the internal structure of a node here, only about adding it to a list, and also getting a corresponding list from each child, thus we can use sfold
directly. We need no additional information while processing a node so we can also use smap
directly, thus:
let allNodesPreorder tm =
sfold concat [tm] (smap allNodesPreorder tm)
let allNodesPostorder tm =
(sfold concat [] (smap allNodesPostorder tm))
Note that neither of these use any particulars of the AST, i.e., they work for any AST. For the same reason they would most likely also need a type annotation or two to clarify which types we are recursing into in a system with type inference.
Here we want to find every occurrence of a let
in an AST and replace it with a lambda application, while leaving every other expression unchanged.
let desugarLetOnce tm = match tm with
| Let {name, value, body} = App
{ lhs = Lambda {name = name, body = body}
, rhs = value }
| _ = tm
let bottomUp f a = f (smap (bottomUp f) a)
let desugarLet = bottomUp desugarLetOnce
Note that we use the fact that the desugaring won't introduce new opportunities for desugaring, i.e., it is enough to do a single bottom-up pass. Note also that bottomUp
is entirely generic, and that topDown
is similarly easy to define:
let topDown f a = smap (topDown f) (f a)
Here we want to express a few optimizations, then apply them exhaustively to ensure that there are no optimization opportunities left:
let optimizeOnce tm = match tm with
| Add {lhs = Number{value = 0}, rhs} = Some rhs
| Add {lhs, rhs = Number{value = 0}} = Some lhs
| _ = None
let innermost f a1 =
let a2 = smap (innermost f) a1 in
match f a2 with
| Some a3 = innermost f a3
| None = a2
let constantfold = innermost optimizeOnce
Assuming the predicate requires no contextual information, we can write this as:
let isLambda tm = match tm with
| Lambda _ = True
| _ = False
let countPred p tm =
let childResults = sfold (+) 0 (smap (countPred p) tm)
in if p tm then 1 + childResults else childResults
let numLambdas = countPred isLambda
There are cases where the recursion of a function is mostly boilerplate, but we still need something more/else than smap
and sfold
, namely when we want to pass information between adjacent children. For example, if we need to generate new names and we want to make sure that they're unique across the entire tree, then we would want to track previously generated names.
In Haskell this would be done by putting such state in a monad, then using it to thread information around. Thus we would want a shallow traverse
, i.e., a mapping function that uses a monadic/applicative action a -> m b
instead of a normal function a -> b
. The type signature would thus be straverse : Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> term[focus -> a] -> m term[focus -> b]
An alternative would be to have a function saccumMap : (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> term[focus -> b] -> (a, term[focus -> c])
. This function is equivalent with straverse
in terms of expressibility, either can be use to implement the other, and either can be used to implement both smap
and sfold
. I expect that in most cases it is more pleasant to use smap
and sfold
directly though.
Finally, straverse
and saccumMap
might not be needed depending on what we settle on for effects, thus those are not included at the moment.