Library for stm8 to work with LCD with I2C convertor
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You can download .zip file of the library and implement lcd_i2c.h and lcd_i2c.c to you project.
Another option is to clone the repository to your project
git clone lcd_i2c
Library uses delay functions, so you can use your own implementation of these or you can use stm8-delay library.
- Initializing LCD
- parameters:
- address - address of LCD
- columns - number of columns
- rows - number of rows
LCD_I2C_Init(0x27, 16, 2);
- Set cursors on display
- parameters:
- columns - index of column (starting from 0)
- rows - index of row (starting from 0)
LCD_I2C_SetCursor(0, 1);
- Print on display
- parameters:
- string - string of chars to be printed
LCD_I2C_Print("Hello World");
- Turn on backlight
- Turn off backlight
- Clear display
Matěj Křenek - [email protected]
Project Link:
Library is tested and fully supported just for uP listed in the table below
Supported microprocessors STM8S208 STM8S105 STM8S103