Hey there, my name is Matěj Křenek. I live in a beautiful country called the Czech Republic. My passion is in web development. I have real experience both on frontend projects, where I mainly use react with typescript, and on backend projects, where I use Laravel and MySQL, for the SQL database.
- ⚡ Skills: HTML, SCSS, Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, MongoDB, Gulp, GIT, Docker, Python, PHP, Laravel, React, MySQL, NextJS, Nginx, Tailwindcss, Alpinejs, C language
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: Managment and better team work
- 🐴 Hobbies: people, time managment, problem solving, programming, progression, business, music, learning
- 💻 I’m working at: Servis design, personal projects and individual clients
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]