Releases: loosolab/SC-Framework
Releases · loosolab/SC-Framework
Version 0.12.0
0.12.0 (19-12-24)
- add contrasts parameter to tools.marker_genes.run_deseq2
- tools.marker_genes.pairwise_rank_genes check minimum amount of groups
Changes to notebooks
- General: group_marker: set n_genes as top_n for get_rank_genes_tables
- ATAC 01 assembly: fix error when selecting the path_mtx (3rd) option (#326)
- General: prepare_for_cellxgene: set required mampok version to 3.0.5
Version 0.11.0
0.11.0 (08-11-24)
- fix pl.embedding.plot_pca_variance() does not select all PCs using thr 100% (#309)
- feature_per_group remove empty axis (#312)
- fix get_rank_genes_tables return less than n_genes for filtered ranking
- fix _search_dim_red_parameters "ValueError: 'left' is not a valid value for loc"
- fix gseapy, louvain install outside of the docker image (#310)
- implemented plotting.embedding.agg_feature_embedding
- cleanup installation/ dependencies
- CI: Revert to installing mampok from main
- implement bgcolor cell-selection
- update readme
- add a bar plot to predict_cell_cycle (#301)
Changes to notebooks
- add agg_feature_embedding to the group_marker notebook
- fix RNA:02 zebrafish gender suggestion (#311)
- revise 03_normalization_batch_correction notebook
- prepare_for_cellxgene: Add auth parameter
- use the bgcolor cell-selection in all notebooks
Version 0.7
0.7.0 (23-04-24)
- Added code examples for tools and utils (#140)
- recluster
- group_heatmap
- plot_venn
- in_range
- Fix notebooks in readthedocs documentation (#220)
- Removed custom_marker_annotation script
- Disintegrated FLD scoring and added PEAKQC to (#233)
- fixed PCA-var plot not fitting into anndata_overview (#232)
Changes to notebooks
- Overhaul RNA & ATAC notebooks structure (includes #207)
- Revise RNA notebook 4 recluster section (#201)