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Raspberry pi contributing code

bakercp edited this page Nov 21, 2012 · 1 revision

If you would like to contribute code, there are a few workflows listed below (NOTE: there may be better ways to do this! If you are a smart github user and you find yourself laughing at the instructions below, please improve them :).

  • ("Simple") Create a fork of this repo, clone it to your PI, checkout the develop-raspberrypi branch on, make changes and then submit a pull requests back to to the openFrameworks-RaspberryPi/openFrameworks repo. This is the normal openFrameworks way of doing things.

  • (Advanced) Alternatively, if you already have a fork of the original openFrameworks/openFrameworks repo (which many of you probably do) you may want to create a branch off of your own fork that tracks with the develop-raspberrypi branch of this fork (I know ... it sounds complicated, but it will work, I promise). To go this route:

    • Set up git on your RPI using the account info associated with your fork Setup Guide
    • On your RPI, create a clone of your personal fork and checkout the develop branch:
      • git clone [email protected]:<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/openFrameworks.git
      • git checkout develop
    • (if needed) Make sure your fork is up to date with the openFrameworks/openFrameworks develop branch by:
      • git remote add upstream git remote add upstream git://
      • git pull upstream develop
      • git push origin develop
    • Now create your own branch to track with the develop-raspberrypi branch
      • git checkout develop
      • git branch develop-raspberrypi
      • git checkout develop-raspberrypi
    • Pull pull all of the recent commits from this develop-raspberrypi branch into YOUR tracking branch
      • git pull git:// develop-raspberrypi
    • Now push your new branch back to your fork's origin on github:
      • git push origin develop-raspberrypi
    • Now make changes to the source code!
    • Add changes to a commit.
      • git add YOUR_CHANGED_FILE.cpp
    • Commit your change set:
      • git commit -m "A descriptive message about your changes here ..."
    • Push commit to your fork's origin on github:
      • git push origin develop-raspberrypi
    • Now get back in your browser, head over to your fork's page and submit a pull request FROM <YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/openFrameworks develop-raspberrypi TO openFrameworks-RaspberryPi/openFrameworks develop-raspberrypi. You may have to search a little bit to find it. You don't want to submit a PR back to the original openFrameworks/openFrameworks branch repo. Then ask a fellow developer to check out your PR and / or merge the pull request.
    • Rinse and repeat.
    • When you notice that new code has been added to the openFrameworks-RaspberryPi/openFrameworks develop-raspberrypi branch, you can pull in those changes to your branch by the same command as earlier.
      • git pull git:// develop-raspberrypi