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PandaBoard Getting Started
###Ubuntu installation Followed: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Pre-built_Binaries_Guide And: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/pandaboard/7DLabw7amBg/discussion And: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/pandaboard/vKunvhMNV8k
PandaboardES, sd-card more than 4GB, internal or external card reader (USB 3.0 pref.). internet connection (LAN or wifi)
Need to install hard-float version of Ubuntu: version 12.04 as version 11.10 is soft-float. This because OF is configured for hard float for better performance and benefits. We do not recommend to use 11.10 version for this reason and of course because otherwise OF will not works.
You must download the zipped .img desktop from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz
Writing the image to SD card Ubuntu we suggest to do this from a console:
mkdir Ubuntu-12.04
cd Ubuntu-12.04
wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz
after the download don’t close terminal and follow these steps:
Place the SD card at your host computer. Make sure the SD card is not mounted (just umount it if needed) Identify the correct raw device name (like /dev/sde - not /dev/sde1) Run the following command from the terminal still open to write it: (replacing sde with the right values )
zcat ./ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz |sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/sde ; sudo sync
Some people have reported issues with this method. If this doesn't work, try the following commands:
gunzip ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz
sudo dd bs=4M if=ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img of=/dev/sde
sudo sync
to knows what the name of your (sd-card) launch in a terminal:
disks --enumerate
or use the utility disck app. Pay attention any wrongs could be dangerous here!
after that eject your sd-card, insert it in your pandaboard, plug a keyboard and a mouse, plug a video device on you hdmi. As you plug the voltage Ubuntu will start the booting process and to load the kernel. After that it will autoresize and create automatically the partition on your disk. In few seconds you will see a windows in your screen asking for what language . The configuration setup is started! follow all the instructions this part is super friendly. At the end it will ask to reboot. Do it and follow the next steps.
###Mac OSX locate the SD Card (look for /dev/diskN):
diskutil list
Unmount the disk where “N” is the number of the disk taken from the above command:
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
Use the following code to write the image to diskN:
dd bs=4m if=ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img of=/dev/diskN
###MS Windows
Download the image and extract it using WinZip or some other archive utility. Then use Win32ImageWriter to write the unzipped img file to your flash device. Follow the instruction on the help reference to burn the mage in the sdcard. You can download Win32ImageWriter from here. Install OMAP4 addons Once the Pandaboard finished booting, follow those instruction to configure it.
Add TI OMAP release PPA
sudo su add-apt-repository ppa:tiomap-dev/release
Perform the upgrade
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install ubuntu-omap4-extras
You can re-run a dist-upgrade for safety at the end, then reboot.
Post Installation Important Information After the installation/update, it is advised to log as default user and to execute:
On Panda 4430:
/usr/bin/alsaucm -c Panda set _verb HiFi
On PandaES 4460:
/usr/bin/alsaucm -c PandaES set _verb HiFi
Install new bootloaders You need to force installation of new bootloaders (if any) through command:
sudo /usr/sbin/flash-kernel --update-bootloader
Change Ubuntu desktop It is advised to use Ubuntu 2D instead of Ubuntu (3D) default UI. (Nevertheless, main compiz issues have been fixed)
Check dkms installation In some cases, you might need to re-install dkms packages: after reboot, check if omapdrm_pvr module is loaded,You can run in a console:
if not execute following command before to reboot:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall pvr-omap4-dkms
Change the boot args You must modify the boot/boot.script as suggested in the Pandaboard google group:
Open terminal and go to boot directory
cd /boot
sudo nano boot.script
Please replace:
"vram=40M mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000"
(or any vram or split mem settings)
We advise following bootargs:
ro elevator=noop console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=1G@0x80000000 root=<UUID or LABEL root> fixrtc splash
(even if you are not using minicom, it is wise to add the “console” as well: if you install minicom in the future, you won’t need to remodify the boot args).
Save it and then run the following command to apply the changes:
(this generate the new boot.scr and copy it to boot partition)
###Troubleshooting As Ubuntu 12.04 is a new release, there will be improvements coming in the next days, months.... A good idea is to check from time to time the Pandaboard Google group to keep yourself updated about new versions of TI OMAP. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/pandaboard
###Repository fetch error: Got error after apt-get update: cannot fetch some repository (“armhf” packages). → You first need to add the PPA repository before running “apt-get update”.
###Mouse cursor flashing: Mouse cursor flash is consequence of HWcursor, you can fix that by disabling HWcursor in xorg.conf file, edit file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-omap.conf and add the bold line: Section "Device" Identifier "Video Device" Driver "omap" Option "Debug" "false" Option "HWcursor" "false" EndSection
Screen flickering After reboot, the screen flicker in black when moving the mouse at on the desktop elements. Then logout and in front of the user name, click on the ubuntu symbol. Then select “Ubuntu 2D”.
Optionals Install Xubuntu Using a lightweight desktop environment unlike Xfce will speed up the pandaboard. Xubuntu is also a derivative of Ubuntu but with Xfce as the desktop environment and some other applications.
Install Xubuntu on top of Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
Others (Optional) Git Install
apt-get install git
Synergy Install
apt-get install synergy
Start client and connect to server with given ip address:
synergyc SERVER_IP
- install git
% sudo apt-get install git
- clone repo and checkout develop-raspberrypi branch
- scripts/linux/ubuntu/install_codecs.sh
- apt-get lines from scripts/linux/ubuntu/install_dependencies.sh
- apt-get lines from scripts/linux/ubuntu-omap4/install_dependencies.sh
- from libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
% make Debug -j4 && make Release -j4
copy Makefile
and config.make
from scripts/linux/template/linuxarmv7l into directory of application you wish to build and % make