You'll need Docker installed to run the development database. This is optional, but we don't yet have instructions for manual Postgres setup.
# install dependencies
yarn install
# start the server on port 8080 and, if not started, the Postgres server on port 10800
yarn dev
# create (or re-create) the database from scratch
yarn pristine
If you see this error: The command 'docker-compose' could not be found in this WSL 2 distro. Make sure in your docker desktop under Settings/General that "Use the WSL 2 based engine" is checked.
This project is set up to play nicely with VSCode Jest. It will run your tests in the background and also give you useful "debug" buttons for specific tests. Highly recommended for any backend work.
VSCode GraphQL enables graphql syntax highlighting. Highly recommended for any backend work.
If deploying to production, first place your config files in /etc/mintbean-v4/config/*
Then run yarn start