You'll need to install Docker to enable Postgres. Windows users, please make sure to install WSL2 extensions as these are required for postgres to function correctly.
For a variety of reasons, this project depends on yarn. You can install it using:
npm install -g yarn
This will install your dependencies.
yarn dbup
This step creates 2 Postgres databases in Docker. The one on port 10800 is development, while the one on port 10801 is for unit tests.
If you see this error:
The command 'docker-compose' could not be found in this WSL 2 distro.
Then make sure in your docker desktop under Settings/General that "Use the WSL 2 based engine" is checked.
We have a convenienent command, yarn pristine
, that re-creates and re-seeds
the database. You can use this command at any time to wipe your database and
reset it.
yarn pristine
Pristine must be run after every DB change in order to update your database with the latest migrations.
Pristine can be run at any time to reset your database to a clean state. This can come in handy in many situations.
If you encounter deeper problems, you may want to just destroy your postgres instances
and start from absolute scratch. There is a command that will destroy ALL docker images,
containers, volumes that are not currently running. First, you will want to stop all
docker processes related to this project, and then run docker system prune -a
This is a dangerous command that will destroy EVERYTHING that isn't currently running
in Docker, including any projects.
** The creation of this file is optional. If you don't create this file in dev environment, then default values will be used from dev.env file present in dev folder.
First create dev-override.env file in dev folder present in root directory. Then copy and paste the following fields in your file.
In place of * you can declare your own port number that is available in your machine.
Finally, you can run the command yarn dev
(Windows: yarn dev:win
) to start the server. This will serve
both the frontend and the backend on port 3000.
The debugging menu on VSCode, which relies on launch.json, has been populated with a couple of run options. One runs the server, while the other runs the unit tests. Both of these are enabled with breakpoints, and can be a great way for you too debug your code when necessary.
This project is set up to play nicely with VSCode Jest. It will run your tests in the background and also give you useful "debug" buttons for specific tests. Highly recommended for any backend work.
Installing VSCode GraphQL enables graphql syntax highlighting. Recommended for GQL work.
How to make your first pull request - Thank you, Julio Alcantara! How to create new entities How to sync your repo with updated code
If deploying to production, first place your config files in /etc/mintbean-v4/config/*
Then run yarn start